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    Southwestern PA
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    Photography, leather working, western holsters

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  1. Bianchi shoulder holster # X-2100 “PHANTOM” My brother-in-law brought this over to see if I might be able to fix it. It seems the long rods are twisted. Does anyone have one or know how it is assembled and how to repair it? TIA.
  2. Thanks all. I don’t want to drill through for rivets. I will try to get a piece of polypropylene and try gluing.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking.
  4. My brother bought these boxes for his grandkids. He wants me to glue VegTan leather name tags on the tops. Boxes are polypropylene. What would be best glue for this. I use Barge for most of my gluing. Thanks.
  5. Dwight, Do you have any problems with dye rub off? What finish on the backside? Do you ever leave it rough or line the back? Do you special mix Pro dyes for different colors?
  6. Ok. Thanks guys. Good to know. The belts are extra long so I can test a small bit at the end.
  7. Diesel….It is not a lined belt (10/11 oz). I am going to use Tokonole or gum trag to smooth out the flesh side, tape pulled it rough. i tried the blue tape, didn’t work. Maybe I’ll get a new roll of strong packaging tape and try that to remove the residue. While I’m there I’ll pick up a new roll of Blue Tape. Fredk…don’t think any finish would adhere to the WD40 ??? But I don’t know for sure.
  8. I made 2 dress belts with hand stamped designs. I covered the flesh side with blue painters tape. I became ill after finishing the stamping and left the tape on for a week or so. After pulling the tape, it left adhesive residue. What would you recommend as the easiest way to remove the adhesive? Thanks
  9. Thanks guys. Thus the conundrum…1 1/2 or 1 1/4?
  10. A friend of mine wants me to make southwestern style stamped belts for his son and his wife. They live in AZ and it will be a surprise for them both. What would be a standard width for a lady's belt? 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" Men's is usually 1 1/2"
  11. Bruce. Could you please check on those stamps and give me an idea of price? Appreciate your help.
  12. Chuck, Very Possible.
  13. Has anyone have any idea what these 2 stamps are? Brand and model # The diagonal lines are a pine needle stamp? which I have Friend wants me to make a couple items to match his older holster (unknown maker) Thanks for any help.
  14. Must be vegtan…poured boiling water on it and it took a little while but it started curling. Took another piece and burned it. Rubbed ashes on white paper they were brown no green.
  15. Yup it slicked up.
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