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Everything posted by Jack1970

  1. That's better than my first go at it. Keep at it and you'll be surprised at how fast you progress.
  2. Wow! That is really cool! I bet your daughter is going to love that! There's nothing better than a gift that has thought + time and effort put into it! Looks great!
  3. Nice! I like that! I don't have a clue about laser cutting but it looks nice and clean. Really nice dye job!
  4. That looks great! My sister and her husband have a couple of miniature horses and she was asking me about nosebands and whether or not I knew how to make one. I'm still a newbie and I shared some pics of my projects with my family. So you customize the noseband and add it to a pre-existing halter?
  5. Hey, Thanks! Mr Brown! That's great feedback, I appreciate it! Since you mentioned it, now I can see how It looks like two separate ideas instead of one design.
  6. Wow! Very classy looking bag! That's really a great example of attention to detail!
  7. I've only been doing this for a couple of months and there's so much to learn but I was pretty happy with how this turned out. I noticed after tooling it that I should have done the basket weave a little different on the floral side. It looks a little goofy. I still have to put a top finish on it, sew the liner in, and bevel and slick the edges. Any and all feedback and critique is welcome! I've learned a lot browsing this forum!
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