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  1. Super old thread however for those in Australia these can be sourced at https://marfar.com.au/ Hinge Plate: SIN-202259 | Singer Hinge Plate Hinge: SIN-210844 | Singer Machine Hinge 202258
  2. I am abour to embark on cleaning up a couple of Frobana sole stitchers. The units are pretty dirty and I want to repaint them. Does any one know the pantone colour code of the red and text paints? I also need to update the power cabling.
  3. Thanks all. Photo of Bobbins attached.
  4. Being is a rural area, we get a reasonable number of requests to repair horse blankets. Most of the time our Singer 20U is sufficient. Recently I acquired a Singer double needle. It only has a serial number is the W913XXX range. ISMACS isn’t any help identifying the model number. A photo is attached. Can anyone identify the model?
  5. I spend most of last night searching for video I had seen. Well I came across this youtube this morning
  6. I wonder if I can ask anyone with a working Model 308 could post some photos showing the position of the shuttle when the hand lever is fully extended up? Thanx in advance Matthew
  7. A customer dropped this off today. he said he used to sew leather with it a while ago, but has been store in the barn for the last several years. I doubt it has been cleaned in a while and the cotton oil wicks were pretty dry. after oiling it, resetting the needle I got the needle to pick up the bobbin thread. is stitches OK but the tensions are shot. He applied paint in the wrong places. So if I decide to keep it, it will get a strip down and some TLC. a quick search on eBay shows parts availability is good. And I don't like the colour. Matthew
  8. Ok finally got time to look at this again. The issue I bigger than I thought. I removed the feet and the needle hits the race case. I adjusted the race case so the needle doesn't hit it, but now the needle hits the needle foot. Man. I would love to know what they did! more reading and research is called for. Matthew
  9. capturing a short video has raised multiple issues: the needle is be misaligned by the foot and also the hole. Tomorrow I will revert to the original binding feet and needle plate. https://youtu.be/Z4nBmquW2xg
  10. RA, Will do. I also found the an adjustment manual for a Pfaff 335.
  11. An employee recently acquired a good second hand, working a Golden Wheel CS 335BH, a binding cylinder Pfaff 335 copy. the binding attatchment has been replaced with a non binding kit. the shuttle timing has an issue, as the needle goes down into the shuttle race but jams preventing a full rotation of the mechanism. I have checked the shuttle and bobbin, there is nothing out of place. I haven't found a methodoly to verify the timing mechanism. Can anyone assit? I will grap a small video of the machine showing the issue today when I retrun to our shop.
  12. Finally got some parts in. The shuttle body #20757 would appear to be impossible to source. One I sourced from a local supplier sent #12393. I have since ordered a new Hook # 12444 and a complete Shuttle Race #24415. ( all these fit on a 31k15) When I attempted to remove the original drive hook I noticed two bumps on it as if there was a pin going through the hook and shaft. a picture is attached. the parts manual show holes in the approx. position. Before I start whacking and thought it would be better to ask "Would this be a pin I need to tap out? " Thanx. Matthew
  13. I realised I hadn't wrapped this up with a final post. I had two cutter styles made course for thick leather and soles and fine for sole overlay. Initially the majority of our work was sole overlays so I installed the fine cutter. I haven't needed to try the course cutter yet, as the fine cutter goes so well.
  14. Allan, I used shop Aliexpress in China. M.
  15. This machine just popped up near by. Can anyone help me identify the model?
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