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Everything posted by Dynamik1

  1. Hello all, I have been reading and trying to prepare myself for launching this great hobby. I have found overstitch tools that will help me layout holes for stitches in the 5, 6 or 7 holes and that seems fine for items like belts and holsters (which I hope to make) but for smaller items like business card cases or watch bands I have seen up to 10 holes per inch recommended but I cannot find an overstitch tool that will help me lay out stitches this fine. How is this most effeciently accomplished? Thanks, Scott
  2. Newb question - Skive means remove material right? How do you "skive"? What tool(s) are used? How do you control how much material you remove? Should this be done just at the bend joint in this example? Would this effectively create a "U" channel at the bend joint?
  3. Darryl, As someone else pointed out, the worst case scenario is a RESET of the router back to out-of-the-box specs. Then you can start over with an easily remembered password. One point, the password that the others were talking about is the Console password for access to the router configuration. You are looking for the SSID password that you set for security purposes. I doubt that you are going to be able to find a clear text sample of your password - if you could, so could the hackers :-p Your best bet is to use the Console password to get into the router configuration screen and change the SSID password. Of course, you'll have to add it to your wireless notebook computer as well. Good luck!
  4. Count me in. I'm also willing to ship international if need be.
  5. I like it! Dont get me wrong, there is something very comforting about the natural tan, walnut and black variations we typically associate with leather, but I also appreciate other colors :-)
  6. Dynamik1


    Today I got a catalog from a company I have purchased from in the past - Levenger. This company sells a lot of expensive leather accessories for business professionals. As I looked at it today I realized what a great resource this could be for ideas and inspiration. I have yet to tackle my first project, but am thinking now that a simple 3x5 card wallet might be my first effort. Gotta get to TLF this week!
  7. Has anyone tried Google SketchUp? I have fired it up a few times and been kinda frustrated because it doesnt seem to have a 2D mode and I think that would be so much better for patterns. ? Does anyone know if Google SketchUp can be set to do 2D? Someone mentioned Inkscape and I may take a look at that.
  8. Thanks to all! I should have stated upfront, no money in budget or forseeable future for a sewing machine, so I am definitely interested in handstitching. Thanks for all the advice! My Mother called from Detroit last week and asked what type of gift cards my wife and I would like this year - since I am into shooting I asked for a Dick's Sporting goods card so I could stock up on 9mm ammo, but just a day or two later I discovered this place. Now I wish I had asked for cash or a Tandy gift card LOL! To get here I followed a post by a guy on ktog.org (Kel-Tec Owners Group) where he posted a pic of an IWB holster he made. I have since become completely bitten by the bug of "hey! I wanna try that!". Interesting thing I learned Christmas Eve is that Father-in-law used to be heavy into leatherworking when he was a younger man - startin' to wonder if he might have any vintage tools laying around? hmmm...
  9. Gavin, Actually that would be great - I think I can import a .psd and retain the dimensional data with Google SketchUp. Greatly appreciated! -Scott
  10. Folks, Thanks for having such an awesome resource to virtually "guild" together to learn and share. I really would like to try my hand at making holsters. I have read the tutorials and I have a pretty good list of tools and materials that I will need. When buying tools I learned long ago that it pays to get quality crafted tools - they last longer, make the job a bit easier when you dont have to fight the tool and I usually dont regret buying the higher quality pieces. So my question is this, are the tools at Tandy high quality? I have seen comments where it seemed like Tandy was a good source and others where it seemed Tandy has "economy-grade" tools. So knowing that I like a higher quality tool (although not necessarily hand-made mega-dollar tools, this IS just a hobby), what sources would you recommend for buying the basic tools I will need to get started? Thanks in advance, Scott
  11. Hey, nice holster! I too have a PF-9 and prefer IWB carry, but I prefer a belt clip. Thanks for providing the pattern. It looks like a CAD drawing - was it done with GoogleSketch? Any chance you would share the electronc file so I can use it as a baseline for sketching up an IWB with beltclip for my PF-9?
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