Yea i can see that. While I wanted to go whole hog and buy cobra, cowboy or a techsew with all the bells and accessories the budget was not going to get me there for a while. I got the 97-10 for way less then half of a new machine and have one spent 200 more to get it up and running. New modern Belts on both the motor to fly wheel and from the clutch up to the head. I made a new clutch disk out of some 11-12 weight leather i had left over and it works perfect. I can get very good control of the speed and with some planning I can slow to a stop right where i need to. And now that I have it up and running I can see myself making lots of parts for it. I am a machinist / CNC programmer and can make about anything. I have a design in my head to be able to use the 794 needles with out lowering the needle bar.