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Everything posted by hawgrider

  1. One handed draw and one handed re holster is why I went with the wet mold. It's frustrating to mess with a snap set up after gutting a deer with bloody hands. This way its just slips it back into the sheath and lightly push it down and its firmly held by the molded area.Works good and there is enough tension from the wet molded area to hold the knife while doing summer salts if thats your thing as it will not shake out of the sheath. The finger guard is what holds it in there. Ah ha! There are folks in here thanks for the comment.
  2. Pretty much a green horn so don't expect much but here is the latest project. Been working on 2 sheaths for 2 gut knifes I got for my daughters at Christmas. The knives are identical so I'm making 2 sheaths and got one to the water mold step so far. My stitching is getting a little better. This is the sheath that came with those knives. It sucked! Got one of the sheaths done for my daughters. Went with 2 coats of Resolene cut 50/50 with water (Thanks again for the tip Dwight). One more sheath to go.
  3. hawgrider


    Buffing did help appreciate the tip.
  4. hawgrider


    I went ahead and mixed up some 50/50 live and learn appreciate the tip. Good Idea soft cloth no lint I would presume? Well the next one will be even better. Here it is I did this one for one of my son inlaws.
  5. hawgrider


    No sir I sure didn't cut it with water opps! Didn't know I was suppose to. The bottle said apply with damp sponge. On the second coat it seems a bit dimpled? So how bad is the damage going to be since I didn't cut it with water? Here is the second coat un cut.
  6. hawgrider


    First coat of Resolene seems like it went on ok this is the first time I've used Resolene. Probably do at least one more coat of it?
  7. hawgrider


    LOL! Yes "meat chic ken." The great lakes state. Lansing is about an hour from where I'm at.
  8. hawgrider


    I'll have to see if I can find the weldwood contract cement. Thanks for the howdy and the advise.
  9. hawgrider


    Ah ha my favorite preacher is in the house. I used a Fiebing's leathercraft cement. I wasn't sure how the glue would hold up after I soaked it to wet mold. Yes it was a couple hours more work to sew around the belt loops. It would be nice to skip that like you say. Do you think the glue I used will hold up to the soaking for wet molding since its not contact cement? I punched those holes by hand with an awl and it shows in my stitchwork although these look better than my first holster I did. Ordered a diamond hole chisel set so my holes should improve hopefully my saddle Stitch improves as well
  10. hawgrider


    New to farting around with leather. This place was recommended by a leather guy I know. Looking forward to picking up some of the tricks of the trade. I've been dabbling in making a few knife sheaths and a couple of handgun holsters. Here is the 1911-A1 holster I'm working on. I still need to put the finish top coat on.
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