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  • Location
    Fort Collins, CO
  • Interests
    Saddles, Tack, Belts, Working Cowboy Gear

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse Tack and Riding Gear
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    Saddlery/ Tack/ Machinery
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  1. Thanks Bruce- Question for you. Did you stitch them together? I'd be slightly concerned they would come apart over time. If so did you stitch then dip or did you dip then stitch? Maybe after a day they won't be so oily to run through my machine and stitch?!?
  2. Thanks for confirming- I was leaning towards "when in doubt- don't."
  3. I'm coming along- wouldn't consider myself a newbie but far from a master. I've been punching size 207 and 277 pretty consistently through my Cobra C4 machine with good luck thus far. I am getting ready to put in an order with Weaver and want to make sure I get everything I need in order to take advantage of their best buy pricing and free shipping... it pays to put in those big quarterly orders. I have been purchasing Nylon thread by the pound from Weaver My question is... has anyone had luck with Tiger thread through 22/24/26 size needles? I don't currently use Tiger thread but have heard that it is really high quality. Can anyone attest to this? My concern is the "Lightly waxed" bit... will this gum up my rollers/ thread guides/ needle bar? What do I need to know- if anything- about this whole "Braided Polyester" business? Does is sew differently than Nylon? Would the size 207 nylon be size .5mm tiger? 277? Primarily, I am interested in the large availability of colors. I guess I should add- I make mainly tack so heavy/ thick stuff generally doulbled up HO Harness or Latigo but I have been making a lot of belts/ chaps etc and have been looking to invest in another machine more capable of handling the thinner/ softer oil tan/ chap sides. Any suggestions? I am weighing pros and cons of the Cobra C26 and Cobra C20. Thanks in advance.
  4. Where in the heck can I find a "Round Rein Attachment?" That sounds like a tool that needs to be on the hot list in my shop!!! Will it fit the Cobra Class 4?
  5. I am curious as to what everyone is using for edgers... make and model, size? I am looking to upgrade and there are so many sizes and different manufacturers. Would anyone mind going through what you're keeping in your shop as far as sizes and tool maker? Is a strop board worth the investment? Thank you in advance.
  6. https://dgsaddlery.com/tag/sewing-machine/ This is a pretty nice little intro into rational behind the different types of machines and their uses... at least a good place to start. I also recommend calling the guys at leather machine co. or Weaver... they are all super knowledgeable and will be able to answer even the most specific of questions and help you tailor your decision to what you are making. I would definitely go with a nicer machine that isn't used... there's nothing harder than working on a machine that other folks have had their hands on. Last thing I would recommend is go with Cobra or Adler.
  7. Awesome! Thank you- what is the width from outside to outside?!
  8. Ain't that the truth- in this modern world of passwords, I can hardly ever remember username/ passwords for each site. No rush, I really appreciate your help! -Nick
  9. Any luck on figuring this style?!
  10. Anyone else having difficulties opening the link? It takes me to a "Sorry we could not load this page."
  11. Welp- I guess that particular book is no longer in print. Wouldn't it be my luck. If you happen to come across a copy anywhere, give me the heads up!!! Happy New Year
  12. Now that’s the way I like to do it- direct and to the point. Thanks pats.
  13. Does anyone have patterns/ schematics for draft harnesses/ bridles/ and lead lines?!
  14. I am currently using old sink cut outs... I scored both free from guys redoing their kitchens but you have to ask for the drop in advance because I think it's a big annoyance going through the buyer/ supplier/ installer grapvine... that being said, the sizes work well. Both of my slabs are probably 1.5"- 2" thick and nice and wide with 1 bull nosed side which is super nice when moving them around. That being said, I freaking love the quartz- its quite, solid and just feels a little more like a "dead blow" when tooling on it. That being said, it is white which is a real doozy after staring at it all day under bright light. I'd like to find a 4"-6" or maybe even thicker slab about 1.5' x 4' in size and darker to permanently set into a laminated bench- I'll probably cut up an old stall mat and put that between the wood and the stone just to further deaden the noise... I am still on the hunt though!!! I'd be interested to see if anyone else has tried quartz before. The Russian fellows that gave it to me said it takes impact way better than granite or marble and after tooling a lot on it, I would certainly agree!
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