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    France, Burgondy
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    Horse riding, photography, gardening and so many other things

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  1. Hi, in case you don’t find help here and you are on Facebook, there is a dedicated FB group for pearson’s owners I am pretty sure there is a bunch or NZ people on this group
  2. That won't solve your issue but here in France, we are doing backstitch by hand on expensive leather bags/items sewn with machines
  3. @Patrick1 I do totally understand !
  4. Thank you @TomE ! Unfortunately they don't do plates for CB3200, only foot sets
  5. Thanks @dikman ! I took a look and they don't seem to offer shipping to Europe/France... I'll ask them
  6. @RockyAussie I sent you a PM, I would love to get a narrow needle plate + feed dog too for my CB3200 !
  7. I had the very same problem with my Hightex CB3200 recently. It came from the thread... It was making pigtails when unspooling and when the pigtail arrived in upper tension, the thread was popping out... Try with a different thread and see if that was your issue
  8. This place is amazing ! Thank you all for your answers ans precious détails ! @Cumberland Highpower I do love drop down guides but as said by @CowboyBob hard to find a spot on the cb3200 to place one... And I agree with you, it would have been so great to have that possibility I will buy the outlaw guide, it's available here in France at a fair price : https://www.decocuir.com/products/guide-pour-machine-a-coudre-cowboy-outlaw
  9. Hi, being in France it's not easy to find parts and accessories for my CB3200. Does anyone here can tell me if the cowboy outlaw heavy duty roller guide will fit my cb3200 ? It's this guide https://www.buckleguy.com/heavy-duty-sewing-guide-for-bg-cowboy-outlaw-hand-operated-sewing-machine/?srsltid=AfmBOoonU5cm1FmPj1-4sV5qAnFb-FzI4iHyXL9UsjM42GdepeDWoSZ0
  10. I have the same Fortuna splitter. That’s the way I do with mine to remove the main belt Regarding pulleys and grinding stones issue do you have pictures ? Different systems exist on same model /type
  11. This would be great ! I send you a pm with my email address
  12. I have the CB3200. It's definitively not a hobbyist or semi-domestic machine. It's sturdy, solid and perfectly finished. No plastic nor alu. And it's very big and heavy. All is smooth in the mecanism. I bought mine second hand from a hobbyist who hardly used it because he was scared of it, too big he said It's main limitation to my opinion is it's capacity under the foot, no more than 15mm which is easy to reach when working with veg tan for instance 8 hours a day is just huge, by "profesionnal manufacturer" I understand factory, industrial working process. Many professionals here, are just craftworkers, they are not 8 hours a day on the sewing machine That said, between a CB3200 and a CB4500 or even a CB3500 I would have chosen bigger. Buying second hand, I did not have that choice
  13. I did the conversion this morning. I had to lower the needle bar of 6mm so from 23,5mm clearance to 17,5mm (from base of needle bar to top of feed dog) Prior to this, I set the stitch length to 0 and position the machine to BDC as recommended by @Wizcrafts It's the only change I made I did tests using three layers of veg tan leather, total thickness being 12mm. It's not the max cb3200 can take (specs say 15mm) but it's my usual max I used terko satin thread (Coats), tkt 025-tex 105 on the top and bottom I tried 120, 140 and 180 sizes and it was perfect ! I'll give it a try in real working conditions for the next few weeks and report here
  14. Here, on this pic from internet, I circled what seem to miss on the eBay one (at this price I wouldn't mind, just be sure the part is available) :
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