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About Gilligan

  • Birthday 05/15/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Houston, Texas

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Trinkets & Doodads
  • Interested in learning about
    Florals and general improvements
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    referral form calanneh

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  1. Greatly appreciate the links.
  2. I have been asked to build a belt for a friend of mine's unborn child. She wants the Horseshoe concho on the buckle, and I was hoping to match it with the Horseshoe Stamp from Tandy. The only catch is that none of the stores around Houston have it in stock. If anybody would be willing to let me borrow the stamp, I'll mail it back with whatever it cost you to send it to me, or if someone had an extra, I'll buy it from you. Thanks, Gilligan
  3. Thanks. I've been working my arse off the last couple weeks and haven't had time to jump on the forum. Will check him out.
  4. Looking for a Skull and crossed axes, much like the skull and cross bones. Building for a bike club and they're very specific in needs. Ohio Handbags didn't have anything and couldn't find conchos on Weaver's Page. If anybody could help it'd be greatly appreciated.
  5. I could very easily be over-looking it, but is there a way to change my display name? I'm no longer associated with the group or being "The Kid"... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Robert Name: Robert Segelquist UserName: TheKid IP Address: Email Address: heyras3899@comcast.net
  6. If you want to start with something basic, Tandy has a roller embosser with a celtic knot pattern on it. The Kid
  7. Got to thinking about this last nigth and remembered something a friend of mine asked me to do. He said that when after the burial, he wanted a bottle of Jack Black poured on his grave. I asked if it'd be ok if i filtered it through my kidneys first.
  8. She has multiple horses, so we will hope that at least one of them will put up with it, I don't know if anyone around here's got one to try on. Thanks for the pointer. What she wants is going to be leather strapping similar to the one in the picture; she drew up exactly what she wants it to be, I may scan and post it later. Thanks for the help. The Kid
  9. A frined of mine has asked me to build her a set of Warhorse Barding. If anyone's ever built somehting like this and has any suggestions or tips of what to do or not to do, they'd me very appreciated. thanks, The Kid
  10. I would be sure to skive it down like it says in the pattern to get a smooth transition, and not a rough spot to wear a hole in your horse's cheek. The Kid
  11. Look awesome for a first try. Keep it up.
  12. Garth Brooks sings a song called "Cowgirl's Saddle" (http://www.imeem.com/janeyboop/music/sS3VRNBj/garth-brooks-cowgirls-saddle/) I'm in agreeance with the song. This old cowboy sure knew it too. The Kid
  13. I was looking at the zippers at Tandy the other day and noticed that the ?bottom? (I think) stops looked like what you have in the pic, may've been top stops though... The Kid
  14. My uncle purchased this a couple years back at an antique auction. We've found simliar designs back to 1856.
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