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Everything posted by Rylando

  1. I'm looking to purchase a Laser Engraver ( or make one? ) and I'm wondering if y'all have any input/suggestions or links to forum posts on the subject, I didn't find much useful when I searched the forum. Not looking for the $12k top of the line model, just a small unit to engrave logos onto coasters, keychains, small things/small logos. I have 0 experience with lasers, well.. except for the one I own for my cats to chase
  2. Thanks for the replies! Looks like I'll just have to order it and live with the price lol. Atleast the machine itself was a deal! The blades were apparently sold on Amazon at one time, but I can't find one there anymore. Oh well!
  3. Hi I recently purchased a Landis 3 in 1, and it did not come with the skiving blade? It seems it is the same blade as the 5 in 1? I found it on only one supplier (http://www.shoesystemsplus.com/Landis-5-in1-Flat-Skiving-Blade_p_503.html) and I'm wondering does anyone know of alternate suppliers? I am having a hard time coughing up $60 for this blade and another $15 to ship it. Thanks.
  4. I'm starting to buy more and more hides to make belts and wallets and while Tandy is OK if you pick through the hides, it's just OK. Do any of you know of any veg-tan or chrome/oil tan suppliers in the Houston area? I'm hesitant to order from the big online warehouses sight unseen but it's looking inevitable. Also, are there any Texas-based Veg-tan tanneries? For the longhorn state I'm surprised nothing shows up on google.
  5. I've been looking at https://www.etsy.com/listing/619442866/workonleather-zs110-slideable-workbench?ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 for a hot stamper on a budget... Does anyone have experience with this machine or similar ones? Or recommendations for other machines?
  6. Thanks for all the help guys I found a used (but barely used) CB3200 locally for sale for $1500 which after looking more into what I want to make and looking up all the info about needle/thread sizes it will work just fine for me. Gonna use the rest of my budget to pick up a Consew 206rb sometime in the future. Now to make something!
  7. I don't think I was looking at getting that crazy into it, but it looked like a manual steel rule bender and a cutout of board would work. Bend the steel rule to the shape around the plywood or board and secure it to the board? That is just the impression I got from looking at this stuff, I tend to try to make things the hard way myself before I realize its easier to just buy them, haha.
  8. So I've got my pattern and I want to make a clicker die for it! Where do you all buy your Steel rule in the USA? and what type? I was thinking Universal 60? Also what steel rule benders do you use? Or do you just buy them? To me it seems fairly simple to make with a bender and the steel rule.
  9. Thank you for the info! I looked into thread sizes a little and I definitely do not need that CB3200 then, I do not plan for leather that thick anytime soon! Still learning about thread sizes for what size stuff. I however am tempted now by the cylinder arm machines, it seems (again, school me if I'm wrong) like you can do the same stuff you can with the flatbed ones on a cyliner machine as most manufacturers seem to make a table attachment that is smaller than the flatbeds tables but seems plenty big for my uses personally. The dual usage as a cylinder arm and the smaller flatbed machine is pretty attractive to me. At thetop end f my budget sits the Cowboy CB341 vs the Techsew 2750, I looked some more at these and I have to say that roller edge guide that atleast the techsew has looks AWESOME for helping to get straighter edges. looks like the Cowboy has a mount for it? not sure. Any advice with these machines? am I overlooking a better choice?
  10. I was also reading maybe a Cowboy CB3200 would be a good choice for a general starting place?
  11. Hi! I've been tooling leather and hand stitching stuff together as a hobby for a few years now. I want to be able to produce products to sell in small volume as a side gig and definitely do not want to handstitch them together, lol. I'm looking for a machine around the $1500-2500 range and would really appreciate advice. I'm looking to do wallets, belts, leather/canvas tote bags, acessories, bags, that kind of stuff as a side gig. No saddles or crazy thick work. Maybe a holster in the future? This is all new to me, so from reading the (amazing) post by Wizcrafts around sewing machines, I want a Compound/Triplefeed machine? I also figure (please advise as I am totally new to sewing machines) I would like a machine that can go pretty slow so I can get used to it, it seems most machines are able to go stitch by stitch slowly? I live close to Houston TX and have http://www.southwestsewingmachines.com/ a short drive from me. I asked about the "CONSEW 206RB-5 1-NDL. WALKING FOOT MACHINE" as I've read alot about them here, and they said it's a good beginner machine and it would likely fit my needs and is about $1500 but the quality isn't what it used to be as they're now made in china and not japan. However they said a Juki (I didn't get the particular model) would make for a better all around machine and is in the $1900-$2000 neighborhood. I realize I talked to a salesperson whose job it is to sell me stuff, lol. What would y'all suggest? Or is there another brand these folks don't sell that would make for a better machine I can find online?
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