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    Westerville, OH
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    WWII, Turner Classic Movies, Film Noir, True Crime, Tools, Tools, and more Tools, Pipes and Pipe Tobacco

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  1. Dwight, I have used the DAP weldwood regular cement and I agree it's great stuff. Have you tried the low VOC non-flammable version? I was just wondering if you tried it and got the same results. The quart of regular is $12.63 as to compared to $14.99 for low VOC. Good price with tanner's bond/Barge being more than twice as much. Thanks, Matthew.

    1. Dwight


      No, I haven't . . . I'm a "if it ain't broke . . . don't fix it guy" . . . plus I'm a cheapskate.

      If you try it . . . give us all a "range report"

      Merry Christmas, may God bless,


  2. No bottom seam...I know what you mean. I saw this and thought it might be modified. Make two compartments. Back to back. One for tobacco and one for pipe and things. From the making leather cases volume one Al Strohlman, 61941-01, pages 102-103. Page two on next post. Al_Stolman_1.pdf Page two. It will not let me upload page two. Too large. But you probably have the book anyways. Matthew.
  3. I was confused at first because one side was flat and the other is convex. It does look like a button stud. So these are just like the little dumbells for attaching a chinstrap to a helmet or whatnot?
  4. Folker, keep on sharing the history you find. Pictures and all the paragraphs you wish to write. We will be here to read it and soak it up. Thanks, Matthew.
  5. It' handmade for a friend. What you may call imperfections I call unique making it like none other. What is the colored material in between the leather?
  6. Thanks Gary. Looks like they have many useful items!
  7. This answered my questions. My specific hardware item are button studs. I'm looking for the type used in European and American military leather items from times past. Magazine pouches and leather bayonet sheaths. All Tandy has are screw post type. Buckle guy has the type with the anvil but they are huge and the finishes are too blingy. Looking for the type that have the burr where you can also cut down the length of the post with a Dremel if needed. There are some sellers on eBay from Ukraine and Czech Republic that have steel and aluminum but you just can't buy a couple and they don't supply the burr.
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