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  1. Anyone have real experience with one of these? Entry level hobbyist, making custom leather belts. Been look into cowboy, but budget doesn’t allow and found one of these locally for $850 as seller upgraded to a cobra 4. any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. Prices must have really went up since then. If Bob could sell me a 3200 at $1600 I’d be there today. Last I heard he was over $2100 for a 3200.
  3. Thank you all for your help! I did start by visiting Bob, he didn't have anything in stock at the time and said he rarely gets these machines in but 1-2 a year used. The new price appears to be very competitive, but for a hobbyist I'm just not able to tie over $2,000 into a cowboy machine, which is what led me to look on here at used machines and found one at a local holster company that they obtained new for doing wallets. I know there is a ton to learn like with every hobby so I'm trying to do as much research as possible prior to jumping in to avoid making the wrong decision. Because even at $1000 for this like new Cobra 18, that's a significant investment especially if its the wrong investment.
  4. Ok just measure when I got home, it’s actually 5/16 oz veg tan. Still thinking to come something else? Just a hobbyist and found this machine for $1000 which is upper price point for the relatively low use but hand stitching belts is not an option for my patience
  5. Looking at buying a like new cobra 18. Ready to sew. I mainly make belts, bags, wallets, note pad covers etc. Mainly belts tho. My thickest belt is 3/8". Will this machine work well for me? Thanks in advance for helping!
  6. Still available?
  7. Hi all, I'm seeking advice from some of you veterans. I just got into leatherworking about a year ago. I have been making tooled belts and gun belts mainly. Currently anything that needs stitched, I am hand stitching, and I find that to be quite time consuming and my least favorite part of the project. I'm a hobbyist, not looking to go into business making these other than for family/friends. Anyone recommend a good machine for me to speed up the stitching process? I don't want to tie a bunch of money up into a machine for a hobby that wouldn't be frequently used more than a few times a month. I'm located just outside Toledo Ohio. Thanks in advance for your help. Trent
  8. Hand stitching my first leather belts, it sucks. Lol look long at machines will this be good enough for a hobby leatherworker to see 8 oz belts? Have an offer on one at 300+shipping . I know it’s not the cowboy or equivalent but will it work?
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