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Posts posted by 327fed

  1. I got a couple of imported  veg tanned sides a year or so back (really all I could get) that came from Venezuela I believe. When I wet them to form or stamp the leather smells distinctly like cow manure. Surely the extended tanning process washes any off the hide. Is there a tanning process that uses manure as an ingredient? I have washed my hands half a dozen times this afternoon and still smell it. I have lots of direct first hand contact with cow manure and this is for sure the odor. 


  2. Yes, I posted this question over on "computer help" and never got a response :


    What is the 1.5 MB max? Per post, hour, or day? 

    I posted a 500 MB photo in one post, then tried a 1 MB in the next post, it denied the second. I shrunk the 2nd so that it was below 1 MB and it went. If I wait an hour can I post pics again?

    I have taken pics with my ipad and they are too large. 

    I have taken pics with my phone and they are too large. 

    I now take pics with an ancient  Canon camera and sometimes they go, sometimes not. 

    I realize there is software that shrinks pics, I dont have it. 

    Sometimes I am able to shrink files with my Canon Camera to under the 1.5 MB and still cant post. 

    Sometimes I try to post 2 pics in the same post, the total of both don't exceed 1.5 mb. and they don't post. Sometimes I try to post 2 pics neither exceeding 1.5 mb, and I cant post them in consecutive posts. I know this is off topic here but thats why I asked it  March 9 in Computer Help section and got no help. 

    I am not a computer professional that does leather on the side. This is difficult for me. 

  3. I just put a piece of 2 x 6 under the work, use  a stamping pad under the leather (not sure what these are, black rubber that cushions the stamp and work) and a small steel plate laying on top of the stamp to spread the pressure out as the press has a 1 inch arbor that does the pressing. I use a steel plate with the arbor press too on the larger stamps.  For the larger stamps and especially the nylon/deldrin/3d printed ones you need to have this. You really don't need to use the whole force of the press or you will deform the leather piece or break the stamp.  Just  barely get it tight.  That is hard for me to do as I am used to doing metal work where you use all the force of the press.  You could make a hydraulic one with a bottle jack  and some channel if you have a drill press and a welder. Used to be some plans floating around, probably a table top one would be better for a leather shop, although mine is free standing. 

  4. I have an imported arbor press. I assume it is a 2 ton as it has a "2: on it. I wet coasters and stamp them with a 2.75 inch brass stamp. It presses it fine. I have a bracket I hook it into the  wall (sitting on the floor) and sometimes use a cheater pipe depending on my mood and how weak I feel that day.  I have a 6 ton hydraulic I use too and it does it barely trying. 

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