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Posts posted by 327fed

  1. I don't use much chrome tanned leather but if you do and are near Middle Tennessee you might want to drive to Tullahoma to Tennessee Tannery. It  used to supply a sporting goods factory (can't remember if it was Rawlings or Wilson) who made baseball gloves and balls. The factory is gone but the tannery is still there. They are the official supplier of leather for major league baseballs. There was a display there of all the major league balls but its on my phone with too big file size. I am not sure if they do mail order but on Thursdays they sell to the public at the plant. Very nice and efficient people. I got the 2 sides pictured (very good quality, but maybe seconds) for $81 each. My wife got the colored lace for $5 per bundle  (5 to 7 strips per bundle). In and out of there in 10 minutes. The first time I went they gave us a tour and it was very interesting. They buy all their hides in the North because southern hides have insect hole defects (bots, warbles, wolves as we called them). Have to pay cash for in the plant purchases as they don't have a credit card/check handling system. 



  2. Some people just have to be married. Divorced/widowed 6 months and married again. I liked being single. I can wash my own clothes and cook enough to get by. Found the right girl after I gave up looking. After 34 years still the only human I can stand to be around for any length of time. If you are worried about sharing your money don’t get married. All we have is ours. Neither one of us grew up with any money. Made our own way before we got married. I can’t imagine more torture than the wrong person however. Marriage is great but whatever you imagine it to be it ain’t that. 





  3. Seems like each cartridge would need circumference (,44 x 3.14) plus spacing (around 3/4) is 2.13 in per cartridge (approx) plus an inch to start and end. Cut it longer for good measure. I use a micrometer, wrap the leather I am using around a cartridge, mike it and lock the mike and use it to mark spacing. If you don’t have a 44 case I can mail you a few. 

  4. Won’t rot thread. Very weak acid. Can neutralize it with baking soda and water. Don’t really matter how much. Makes leather harden a bit for me, more than wet molding. Leather will stink for about 2  weeks. Sealer covers the smell mostly. Will freeze and break your jars, otherwise seems stable. I do 2 coats to get a deep black. Looks kinda gray till you oil it. 

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