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Posts posted by 327fed

  1. ?_task=mail&_action=get&_mbox=INBOX&_uidThis is from Leatherstampmaker.com. Got it today. I got the electric heater too. Only  a little small. 15/16 inch that I requested. May get another in 1 1/4 later. Do you wet the leather to stamp with a heated stamp? I did not put the usual “maker” in the center. Figured people could figure that out. This was $62 in Brass, $84 maybe in 1 1/4 inch size. Steel was $205 another place. 

  2. Thanks very much for your offer and I am sorry for the delayed reply. Pastor Bob PM ed me and offered to work on it as well. I needed to change my email on the site and for some reason got locked out a while. The site somehow did not accept the new email. I also had a gmail account I rarely use so I tried it and the site was OK with it. Thanks again for your offer of help. 

  3. Thanks Guys. The Transform action was not in my older version of Word but my wife's laptop has it. I got the curved letters done in Word and the center done in Paint but I can't get them  together. May just print both out and literally cut and paste and scan. Fred K. i told the guy I made the Yeti carrier for the other day that  a guy in Northern Ireland sent me a pattern.  He was not expecting that, 

  4. I prefer Jim Beam. I think the companies I investigated just want a good likeness and will create the design in their software. And again, I know what I want. Curving  a  line of text is all I am having trouble with. If not I can just draw it on paper, scan it and  email the file I guess. But Word has templates for calendars, birthday cards, invitations. I bet someone has done one of these. And yes I will press or stamp directly into veg tanned leather. I just wanted to get far from computers in leather work. 

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