I have a neighbor who took it upon himself to remove a very dangerous tree from my yard. It was so tall that when it started to fall it became snagged in the surrounding trees and could have fallen at any time, and had to be removed. He looked at it and said he could get it down. He drives a truck and is only home a couple days a week, yet he took a morning to help me and the tree is down. I want to thank him in a memorable way, it was such an act of kindness.
So starting with a double-bit axe head I got on eBay, I made him this axe and sheath to be presented to him in appreciation of what he did. The axe head is an old one, probably pre-1960. The bits are a very hard steel and had never been profiled and sharpened properly, so I rectified that situation and the bits are now properly profiled and sharpened to a razors edge.
I just finished up the sheath this morning. I think all-in-all it will make for a very fine presentation and expression of my gratitude.