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  • Location
    Richland, WA
  • Interests
    Belts, wallets, sheaths - etc. Interested in pursuing boot/shoe making.

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    Bootmaking/Sewing machines
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    Long time lurker for information on projects

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  1. I have a bunch of shoe repair and boot making equipment, big machines pictured. Model 12 F, has all the parts, no motor, I have never ran it turns by hand just fine. Have a Landis line finisher with Naumkeg. Not pictures I have some various hand tools, lasting pliers, wooden and poly lasts, an autosoler nailer, a lasting stand, stretchers. For all the odds and ends please reach out and I will try to send pictures as I can. Model 12 - $200 Line Finisher - $1000 Autosoler - $100 Lasts and hand tools contact me, I will try and reply to this thread with more pictures of the misc stuff. I am keeping all the leather and stuff, still want to work with leather but won't be doing any shoe work. This is all located in Richland, WA and I would love to see it go to someone who has big dreams - life has happened and priorities have shifted for me. If you want it all shoot me your offer, I am willing to make a sweet deal on all of it. Thanks for looking.
  2. If you are still looking for equipment, I have a bunch of stuff I am looking to part with (in classifieds). Just shoot me a message if you are interested.
  3. Landis 12 Model F Curved needle sole stitcher - Needs love, I have the cover and the pulleys that go on the ground, I can send additional pictures of that stuff. $200 OBO Landis 12' line finisher with naumkeg and cutting wheels, everything works well including vacuum system. Wired for 120V. $700 OBO Autosoler comet-10 $50 OBO Pickup in Richland, WA or if you are nearby we could probably work something out for a delivery. We can work out a bundle price too, just let me know if you're interested. I will try and check this regularly. There are some other nick nacks in the shop related to shoe repair I would probably part with too, just not going to be a dream I can chase. Thanks, Conner
  4. Thank you - I am not really sure...I would venture to say somewhere in the 8 hour range. I can usually only get in an hour or so at a time. I think drawing it took like 5 hours or so.
  5. Thanks all!
  6. I made this photo album for me and my family.
  7. I think if you were to give the folks at shoesystemsplus a call or email they would probably be able to tell you just about everything you would need to know about the two brands of machines.
  8. I had picked up a 5 in 1 a long time ago without a gear cover. I tried hard to find one but couldn't. I had asked a friend of mine with a 3D printer if he could design something to work. He said he could so I passed it off to him, he used his engineering mind to make a handful of trial and error runs before printing off the perfect fit for the cutter, he even threw my logo on it and painted it to match. I couldn't be happier, and I wanted to post it on here to in the event that someone else has a Champion 5 in 1 that is lacking a gear cover, or has a cracked cover - as he saved the file and would be happy to print more. It is plastic, but it will keep dust and your fingers out just the same. He saved the file for this, if you have a Landis you would probably have to be local and be ok giving up the cutter for a little while. Local meaning WA, or at least the pacific northwest.
  9. I sent you a message. Conner
  10. I am going to resurrect this thread and hopefully someone with some info can provide input. I am looking for footbeds, and there appears to be a supply chain shortage across the board. Anybody have a source for the classic Birk footbeds right now? I was able to scoop up one pair a couple months ago but now it looks like everything has run dry.
  11. I am located in WA, putting together a boot shop and in need of a post bed sewing machine. Doesn't have to be pretty, function is the main goal here. If you are in the PNW and have one sitting in the corner collecting dust...I would be happy to come grab it and put it to use. Shoot me a message if you've got something, thanks!
  12. Here it is, from all my research so far I have come to find out it is most likely a Champion Model H - I am looking for the top roller, and a gear cover - I need blades too, but I haven't ordered them yet. I had reached out to shoe systems plus, and they do have a top roller for Landis, but I haven't checked the width of the roller and the OD of the shaft to make sure the fit is the same Landis/Champion. Seems like I could use an arbor bushing with a keyway, or talking to Bruce Johnson, he said he has a machine shop turn one out for him fairly reasonably. That gear cover though...would be nice to have, but I think it may be a pipe dream. (Added) I do have the stop collar for the cutting wheel also, I just took this picture as I was putting it together and realizing what big parts were missing.
  13. So...it wasn’t too hard to put it together, but I believe I am missing some parts. So now I’m on the hunt...who’s got a junker?
  14. I have no idea which cutter I have here it is an old 5 in 1. It was mid-restoration when I acquired it but now I need to figure out how to put the pieces back together. Anybody have manuals OR be willing to send me some pictures of the gears and guts of their own cutters? I found a messy drawing on shoe systems plus, but it doesn’t give me enough...any help is appreciated. I have a couple buckets of parts, I’ll try and add some pictures if I can figure it out.
  15. I just wanted to give this a bump for anyone looking for one of these machines. He has bumped the asking price down to $1000 for these Ferdcos...
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