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Everything posted by Moti

  1. Hi how to make the stitch Forward and backward sewing the same length? I can’t find it plz help 10xs
  2. Hi Does anyone have a manual for this machine? I have some problems that I can't seem to overcome. When sewing in reverse, the tension on the upper thread changes and I need to put a lot more tension What needles are needed for this machine? 10xs
  3. Hi all i I am looking for parts of Mitsubishi du 107 thread take up lever and all stitch regulator mechanism the all parts are missing in the machine and the thread take up lever was banned slightly, machine doesn't work smoothly because of it Where can I find parts for this machine?
  4. What was the problem? I have the same issue
  5. Does anyone have a guide or video on how to fix this mechanism? There's no manual on how to fix it. It's not talked about much and it doesn't work for me. Everything seems to be working fine, but nothing happens.
  6. I need the service manual plz
  7. Do you have manual for necchi 840 100? i got only the parts book and in italics
  8. Thanks but I’m don’t think it’s going to fit
  9. Hi all i looking for parts to my necchi 840 100 plz if someone have I will pay what needed
  10. Can someone tell me what are the advantages of a direct drive motor on the machine than a motor under the table, I most of the time prefer a motor under the table because I like to add a speed reducer or change the pulley to a smaller or larger one according to needs, the question is a motor under the table that is 750 w and a direct motor which is also 750 w equal in power? Want about the torq if bout are 7 NM is the end result the same? Or that on direct motor I don't need so much torq? are there other advantages and disadvantages?
  11. Do u have pic of the back of the machine to see how it should look and maybe see the missing parts?
  12. Yes, after reading a bit and seeing that it's an unnecessary addition that shouldn't be there at all, so I took it off a bit after taking a picture
  13. @‏constabulary thank you
  14. Thank you very much, it helped me a lot, i see that someone made bad changes to the machine, a friend bought it and I told him not to buy it, he wanted me to tell him what needed to be fixed since I couldn't find a service manual for this machine I wanted to check with more people, also the parts booklet that I found arranged in such a way that you can't see where each part or screw goes, in any case it helped me a lot, thank you very much, if anyone has an instruction for it, I would love to receive it please @‏constabulary thank you
  15. Another machine I'm having trouble with, I don't know why, Adler 205-6 (not a walking foot) I can't understand the instructions in from the book I got, can someone please help me, I've had the machine for a long time and at first it sewed well but the handle of the stitch length kept jumping while sewing I thought that i can fix it because i time my hightex 204 370 several times already and i succeeded it must have been luck please help
  16. Hi I have a Singer 29k1 that does not sew well, it feeds the fabric fine but does not sew at first it does pull the thread of the bobbin from the bottom easily and I checked and it is aligned, two questions one does anyone have a technician's manual for this machine? And two, I didn't quite understand the pressure mechanism on the foot, which is strange and seems to me that samone been changed (later I might get to the studio and try to take some pictures or a video) thanks
  17. Maybe this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/353602701239?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=emNmx5pgStO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=yLjODPcuRMe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY And this maybe? https://manualsbrain.com/en/manuals/766453/ Maybe this helps a bit This guy is good I learned a lot from him
  18. We just bought two of this machine with all the goods for binding and the best servo motor (thy said no need for speed reducer I don’t know if it is true, maybe someone can tell if it works good without speed reducers?) but for now I love it and we have leather company cobra class 4 machine, which is very good also but I am in love of the cb4500 time will tell the the difference I guess
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