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    Everything leather.

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  1. VStew

    Eagle Carving.

  2. Very Nice! Beautiful strap!
  3. Beautiful holster!
  4. Very Nice!
  5. Thank you TomE!
  6. Thank you Chuck123wapati! So it’s okay to top coat over the wax?
  7. I made a gun sling and put a coat of leather balm with atom wax on it, but after thinking about it, I thought it would need to be waterproof or at least repellent. Am I still able to add a coat of resolene or Leather Honey on top of the leather balm?
  8. Hello, I made leather gun sling and put Fiebings Leather Balm with Atom Wax without really thinking about it not being water repellent…would I be able to put a coat of resolene (or anything else) over top to make it repellent?
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