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About SunshineNative

  • Rank
    RIP gone, never forgotten
  • Birthday 01/18/1958

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Sunshine State
  • Interests
    I raise full blood Wolves. SE Grey Wolves as well as British Columbian Black Wolves.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wolf Harnesses and Collars, new to tooling etc
  • Interested in learning about
    better looking tooling!!
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Google search

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  1. Hello My name is James Johnson,My mother was SunshineNative on these boards.I have some sad news to share.She passed away on may 18th at 01:15 am,A massive heart attack has taken her from us all.I really dont know what to say at this point in time. Thank you for your time -James Johnson
  2. Hi. I am looking for rolls of Florentine Lace that is WIDER than the 3/16" normally carried by my local TLF Store. I am not very skilled with the Australian Strander so mine come out, er, wiggly? I am braiding around 1" and 1 and 1/2" dowels and would really love to have the edges lay flatter than what I have been making here. I would love to be steered in the right direction. Many thanks Folks!! Dianne aka Sunshine
  3. Hi, 5-8 oz leather works well for the briefcase. If you are usng latigo I suggest you be aware that if it rubs against your skirt or blouse it WILL stain it! Pictures and construction help are in the Al Stohlman books, volumes one thru three. I think the name is something like " Making Leather Cases" or something close to that creative title! (tic) Hope it helps! dianne
  4. Kari, Not to be a smart aleck or anything like that, how about your computer? Have you noticed it taking longer than it used to when opening sites? Try clearing your history and cache. I have had problems in the past with just needing a little more space, and no my stupid computer didn't warn me! LOL However, if there is something I can check out for you, just let me know. Dianne
  5. your web site is not working............

  6. I couldn't get there either. It took a little doing. Just don't remember how I did find it. However, as a note to all, I did get the beveler that Hilly sent, it is awesome. I am not very used to it yet, will take some practice to become proficient I believe! I DID get the order from Springfield Leather, number 114-43, and guys, this thing is AWESOME! It fits into my swivel knife, is easy to maneuver and I only have one complaint! It is wide, and I did order an extra one, so I am going to grind it down to give me a smaller, less thicker one and the original for larger lines. Thank you all sooo much for the help! I really am enjoying the tooling I am able to do now!!! Thanks again Ya'll, Dianne
  7. Hi Folks, I am interested in starting and maintaining a Leather Workers Guild here in NE Florida. I have downloaded some of the suggestions, bylaws, etc that I have found here on Leatherworker.net. Are there any other suggestions or folks from this area who might be interested? Dianne
  8. Hi ya'll, I am investigating starting a Leather Guild in NE Florida. If there is anyone interested in helping from the ground floor up, please contact me at SunshineNative@aol.com. I am currently investigating meetings at the local Tandy Shop, and will be working on flyers and posters over the next few weeks with meeting date and times posted. Many thanks for the opportunity to share the information. Dianne (is that a cool cow-girl or what?)
  9. HAH!! Not only are they available, but I have 3 enroute!! Will let ya'll know how it works for me when I get 'em!! Thank you all for being the greatest group of folks I know!!! Dianne, who is soaking up the liquid sunshine in Florida
  10. LOL. I will do just that thing when I get home this afternoon. Now, it is in the mid 70's and I have run the a/c MORE than the heater again this winter. I would love to trade weather for a few days!! My wolves have been in spring shed mode since late January.... !! I wanna move to Alaska!!! di
  11. Hi Again Ya'll, I have searched springfield leather site again and cannot locate the type of tool you are describing. Under "easy beveler" it shows and edger/beveler tool, for trimming, not the one I am needing for my tooling. I also checked under the swivel knife tools and could find no blades. Perhaps I really don't know what I am "talking" about. I have written a letter to their customer service. Will give them time to answer. The other site, the saddle journal offered to sell me a advert for the next issue, but had no information on the speedystamper. I need more coffee!! :-) Di
  12. I am going to try again to locate on their site. I ended up abandoning the search and going to appointments. Perhaps today I can invest a little more time and actually find one!! Thank you for the information! Dianne
  13. Oh Oh Oh... THAT is awesome! Thank you for the answer and link!!!!
  14. Luke, I do bevel borders on my tool boxes and belts, pretty much plain lines I reckon, but I will have to practise and see what I can get to work. I am going to try the one Hilly has offered and see how it does. I am also going to try and find some of the others mentioned. What did yours look like? can you attach a picture? Thank you ! Dianne
  15. Okay, Dear Bruce, and All Others, Lets work on the premise that I am ignorant (bordering on plain stupid some days!) cause, I don't know what an LCSJ is or where to look for it!i am interested in exploring all of the possibilities mentioned and will spend some time pursuing the ebay angle as well. Thank you all. Will let you know what happens! Dianne
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