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Everything posted by SpartanCarry

  1. Some of the 68s could use a sledgehammer, especially the ones converted to take a big bobbin. They shake like a preacher in a tent revival. Thanks! I’m really excited about it. Came out of nowhere. Real different than my last gig (running a science museum!). First week was good, we’ll see what this week throws at me. Lots of timing and tension issues, changing knee lift positions, sharpening thread snips and adjusting right angle edge binders. I might get a head magnifier. I might be younger, but my vision is not super. I have bifocal lenses but I still see better close up without my glasses on. I noticed the mechanic has a magnifying glass in his kit, too.
  2. I had to look up C and E clip tools. Makes sense! I never what those things were called. I guess I called them retaining clips. A driver is probably a good idea! The current mechanic has a pair of bent-nose pliers. I wonder if he uses them for C or E clips. I’ll have to ask. Thanks! BTW I should have said that I have no formal training. Just a bunch of machines I’ve been fixing and using for the past 7 years or so. Lots to learn. The ladies usually have oil handy. But I might bring along my M1 oiler, which is a tiny little self-contained thing perfect when you just need a drop or two. And it doesn’t leak! (Lee Enfields have the same thing). The flashlight has a strong magnet on the telescoping end, but it might be size limited in tight spaces. Thanks!
  3. I just accepted a new position as an apprentice sewing machine mechanic at a local (Philly) textile plant. Probably 75 sewists and 150 machines of many different sorts, everything from single stitch straight machines to computerized pattern tackers, and a whole fleet of aging 68 and 69 tackers. I’m training under a tech who’s 79, spry, and seems to know everything there is to know about sewing machines! I’m an eager apprentice at the age of 49, a mere kid! Anyway, I’m putting together my own tool kit for the floor. I took a survey of what was in his bag, and basically copied that. What isn’t shown is a set of metric and sae allen wrenches and another set of metric ignition wrenches 4-11mm, and a long-handled phillips head. The Chapman 1/4 bit driver set is my own addition. Other things I added are the peg, because most of the tables are missing them, the two pink mini screwdrivers (because they were my grandmother’s, who was a seamstress), the earbuds, thread snips (because I’m snobby about them), and the tweezers, which i use a lot for threading in tight areas, like sergers (though we have very few sergers, mercifully). I also have an ipad with all the machine-specific and general manuals like those @gottaknow posted a while back. For my down time, or for reference. Anything missing that you’d all suggest I add? I can always walk back to the shop to fill in a gap but the more complete my bag is the less I have to walk—and the quicker I can get the operators sewing again.
  4. My timing in joining was good. I just accepted a position as an apprentice mechanic at a local textile factory. I’m not officially an apprentice, but I’ll be working with the current head mechanic until I know enough for him to go to part time or retire. Lots of on the job training. I went in totally honest: I’m good with machines and electronics, and have fixed my own machines for a while now. But still, a ton to learn, so I’ll probably a frequent poster from now on. Cheers!
  5. Thanks @Northmount for the tip. It’s been a while since I was really active on a forum. I’ll try again. @councilman24 Could I possibly get a copy of Cal’s Handbook? I’d pay for the copies/shipping. I start in two weeks as a Mechanic apprentice at a textile factory and would love to put together some useful materials.
  6. Councilman—Could I possibly get a copy of this? I’d pay for the copies/shipping. I start in two weeks as a Mechanic apprentice at a textile factory and would love to put together some materials. I’ll contact Gottaknow too.
  7. I have the same question! I found these a while ago on Alibaba and had never seen them before. It’s a brilliant design with the flat wheel feed dog. I’d love to see what one could do. I did find a video of one working…I’ll see if I can post it.
  8. HI everyone! My name is Doug and I sew bags under my label, Spartan Made Quality Carry. I just joined, though I’ve spent plenty of time on these pages soaking up the knowledge of so many talented and generous people. Hopefully I can share something useful! My workshop is entirely made up of vintage machines. I’ve got a Consew 225 walking foot, a Singer 168W post bed, a 31-15, 96, and two 112w double needle machines, one walking foot, one needle feed. Also got an old Merrow that is kind enough to still run, and a Singer 29 patcher that I never use. I have a few other machines to refurbish and either use or sell. Oh, I almost forgot, I have several Singer 68 flat bed tackers: a bar tack, and 3/4 and 1” box X tackers. They’re fun. I like working with veg-tan and latigo leathers, and have been at this only a few years. I’m practicing my hand-stitching. And my machine sewing is getting better.
  9. I’ve been sourcing from Buyleatheronline in Italy for some time. They’re very good to work with. They ship fast! Remember: Keep the order under $800 to avoid customs duties.
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