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I was sharpening my bell the other day when the fuse blew.  Got some new fuses and every time I change it and press the foot lever, it blows another one.  Any ideas or thoughts on why this is happening?  Fuses are 10A 250.



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Does your skiver have a separate fuse or is it blowing a fuse in a panel?

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6 hours ago, JonesCoLeatherworks said:

It has its own.

The motor is drawing too much current.  See how easy it is to turn over by hand and look to see if it is binding up somewhere.

Did it work okay prior to your sharpening it?


Just in case you have missed this oiling point you can see in this video I did at about 5 minutes in a point that should been done on these machines fairly often -


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It initially happened when I started sharpening the bell.  Then blew.  I will do a visual of the knife itself and see if it being binded up or something stuck there.  Recently oiled a week ago and was working fine until sharpening.  Appreciate the feedback, thank you

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I see Techsew sells T 10amp 250v fuses which are "slow blow", not fast blow.  Would this make a huge difference?

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3 hours ago, JonesCoLeatherworks said:

I see Techsew sells T 10amp 250v fuses which are "slow blow", not fast blow.  Would this make a huge difference?

As the OP mentioned the motor is binding and therefore would be drawing excess current, substituting a slow blow for a fast blow fuse could allow this excessive current to continue flowing, potentially burning out wiring in the motor instead of a cheap fuse.


I agree with the comment above by @mdawson. First thing I would do is make sure that the sharpening stone is disengaged properly. The sharpening stone should not be turning.  Next disconnect the motor drive belt then see if the fuse blows when you hit the peddle. If it does contact Techsew or get a new motor. If it does not blow the fuse then turn the machine over by hand and feel if there is any catching or heavy resistance then engage the sharpening stone lever and repeat the hand turning test. It may be possible that the bearings in the shaft that the sharpening stone are going but that is not common or likely. If it is contact Techsew for help or fix it. 

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good info.  I took a part the covers to visually inspect the bell, stone and feeder.  I pulled the belt off the motor pully and it still blew the fuse.  Sounds like I have a bad motor!  YIKES!  Nothing is binding, everything freely turns. The machine is fairly new, I could not imagine it lasting this short duration.  As I try to rotate the pully, it has resistance, when I push on the foot pedal and rotate the pully, the pully moves freely.  I guess I'll be making a call to Techsew tomorrow.  Thanks all for steering me in the right direction.


If you have a shop air compressor, bring it in and blow out the inside of the unit and pay attention to the motor.  Grinding does send a lot of metal fragments around.  Just a thought, since it worked right up to the sharpening.

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2 hours ago, stelmackr said:

If you have a shop air compressor, bring it in and blow out the inside of the unit and pay attention to the motor.  Grinding does send a lot of metal fragments around.  Just a thought, since it worked right up to the sharpening.

Good idea.  I have no problems with it until now.  Thank you

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Had to purchase new motor.  Tech support thought it could be controller board or motor.  I opted to go with new motor since it would include the control board.  I have been hand skiving materials in the interim and I have a deeper love for my SK-4 now.  Thank you all.  Great discussion

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