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I finally got my site posted today. Please check it out and let me know if there are any problems with pictures etc. I am not very computer savy so this was a big accomplishment for me! Also, I need more links so let me know if anyone wants to swap.




  • Contributing Member

You did a great job. I think I looked at everything, and all the pix worked.

My one suggestion..when you offer a bigger picture by clicking on a thumbnail, it should be a bigger clearer pic, not the same one...but you probably intend on doing that anyways. I know how it is just to get the framework up..Again good site, and some really nice stuff.


looks good Ryan. I'd like to maybe see some captions on your about us gallery.


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Hey Ryan,

nice website and very nice leatherwork! I agree with some of the other guys, overall very easy to navigate, but larger photos, and price ranges would be nice.


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Very nice. After fiddling with making a website I know how much work goes into them. You definitely have done a nice job. And the leatherwork is excellent also.

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Thank you for all the nice words. I see I have a couple spelling mistakes I need to correct. As for the price ranges; I am scared to post them because I would probably get laughed right of this forum lol. I orderd bob brenner's book the other day and I plan on reading it b4 I get a set price list posted. I will work on getting some of the pictures bigger and maybe some captions too.

Thanks Again


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Nice web site and nice looking gear.


  • Members

Website looks great. Easy to navigate. Your work looks first rate.

Good job!!


  • 4 weeks later...
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I couldn't get the "About Us" page to come up. Just a blank page? maybe it's just my computer. I agree with posting prices. It seems like there are an awful lot of sites out there without them, but it always annoys me. I don't want to have to contact someone to know if I can afford it. Your work looks nice, so don't under price it!

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I couldn't get the "About Us" page to come up.

Same here.

I'd also suggest removing the spaces from the file names and shorten them. That way when you want to tell someone a specific page it will be a lot easier. Maybe change Fisher Leather About Us.htm to about.htm.

I'd also suggest using an email associated with your domain name instead of the hotmail account. Your host should provide at least a hand full of accounts free of charge.

Just my 2 cents,


As for the price ranges; I am scared to post them because I would probably get laughed right of this forum lol.

Personally, whenever I don't see the price listed someplace I always figure that the price is so far out of line that even the seller is embarased to post it. Either that, or I figure that the seller is going to try to feel out the buyer and see if he can raise the price. I move on.

  • 5 months later...
  • Members
I finally got my site posted today. Please check it out and let me know if there are any problems with pictures etc. I am not very computer savy so this was a big accomplishment for me! Also, I need more links so let me know if anyone wants to swap.




Awsome web site, Good Luck in the future.


  • Members

Very nice website. I found it easy to use and interesting because its so different. Nice work too.


Nice site, Ryan!

  • Members

Nice site and gear but couldn't get any of the links from the horse page to work.

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