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Finally Arrived TSC-441 Clone

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I finally, after a long wait I got my new TSC-441 clone fresh off the boat. I drove 300 km (~185 miles) each way and that took about 8 hours today to bring the new toy home. I could have had it shipped at a cost of about $250 - $300 CAD or spend less then $50 CAD in gas and use my little Honda Fit which gets between 55 - 60 miles per US gallon. For my needs as I have dogs I went with a standard table top and 3 K-legs rather then a pedestal stand for stability. The top I will cut a semi-circular section out under the arm similar to what is normally done on the LS-1341 tables. The center of the machine will rest over the middle K-leg. The servo motor is a 800 watt with a 45mm pulley so with the motor running at 100 rpm the hand-wheel should be around 28 rpm without a speed reducer.



441 table.JPG


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A new toy! Welcome to the big league.:lol:

You might want to consider some reinforcing underneath the back of the table, with that big cutout. These machines are heavy and not well balanced, with the centre of gravity somewhere along the arm, mounting it over one of the K-legs is a good idea. Lots of fun ahead, I look forward to your progress.

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8 hours ago, kgg said:

I finally, after a long wait I got my new TSC-441 clone fresh off the boat.

O'h the joy  :thumbsup: :) Bet you can't wait to get it up and running. Hope you have someone to help you with the head, they are damn heavy .  Its a silly thing, but give your new machine a name.

I call mine ' Brutus ' , true :yes:

Have fun  :)


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9 hours ago, kgg said:

For my needs as I have dogs I went with a standard table top and 3 K-legs rather then a pedestal stand for stability.

Well, congratulations. Mine came on the pedestal table and I disassembled it to take it up a flight of narrow, steep stairs. I thought about a regular table but I figured there was a reason nobody seemed to set these up in a sitting configuration.

But ... dogs? Were you concerned they'd somehow knock it over?

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17 hours ago, dikman said:

You might want to consider some reinforcing underneath the back of the table, with that big cutout.

I do have a piece of angle iron that may fit the bill, just going to depend on the size of the actual cutout.

11 hours ago, Handstitched said:

Hope you have someone to help you with the head, they are damn heavy

The head weights in at about 55kg (120 lbs) and it took two of us to move the head, while still in the carton, into the house.

9 hours ago, AlZilla said:

I thought about a regular table but I figured there was a reason nobody seemed to set these up in a sitting configuration.

A lot of different table configurations are available from mounting it on a flat table top to the pedestal style just depends on someones needs / wants. the Juki. 

9 hours ago, AlZilla said:

But ... dogs? Were you concerned they'd somehow knock it over?

Yes I have multiple dogs and with 55 kgs (120lbs) of unbalanced weight dangling my concern would be a couple of them roughhousing could accidentally topple it.

11 hours ago, Handstitched said:

Bet you can't wait to get it up and running.

If everything goes well I am hoping to get a start on assembly it tomorrow.

11 hours ago, Handstitched said:

Its a silly thing, but give your new machine a name.

I have always named my machines with some not being able to be repeated in public.


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