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Backward bobbin class 26

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I'm still having some issues with my Class 26 sewing with 207 thread (there's a previous thread about it here if anyone is interested).  I talked to LMC and the advice I got was that I had my bobbin in backwards and to switch it so it pays out clockwise and to drop my needle size to a 23 or 24.  I'm trying to sew 207 through 16 ounces of firm veg.  The knots are inconsistently showing up at the top and the bottom within a few stitches of each other.  In other words, it seems like my tension is inconsistent.  I did what he said and the problem didn't change one bit.  

Does putting the bobbin in "backwards" make sense?  Everything I've seen and read emphasizes the importance of the bobbin paying out counter clockwise.  

I'm not trying to say I know more than the guy at LMC - he works on these machines all day.  I'm just trying to wrap my head around his advice.  

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I run the thread out of my bobbin on my Class 26 clockwise and don't have any issues. If you run it out counter clockwise it will add more tension to the thread because of the sharp turn it has to make.

 How many times do you have your thread passed through the post on top of the machine? 

Another thing to look for is if your thread is getting wrapped around anything or if it is getting caught on itself coming off the spool. I had a spool that was apparently spliced together and the thread kept getting caught on that splice knot and when it did BOOM, knots sitting on top. 

This is a good video.


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Thanks ArkieNewbie.  This is an ongoing issue I'm having.  When I sew with 138 it sews great, 207 and the tensions seem like they're all over the place.  It's good to know that Aaron Heizer (whom I respect deeply) advocates clockwise payout.  Makes me feel more confident.  I appreciate the reply.

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Agree with @ArkieNewbie that pulling on the bobbin thread should turn the bobbin clockwise.  Here's an unofficial Class 26 manual that I scrounged on the internet. 

Class 26 Manual.pdf 

There's good information on this forum for the similar Pfaff 145 machine.  Searching for "Juki 341" (in quotes) turns up this and other threads.  I think changing needle size might help you sort out tension, as LMC recommended.  Check for any flagging and adjust pressor foot tension as needed.


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2 hours ago, LiftPig said:

When I sew with 138 it sews great, 207 and the tensions seem like they're all over the place. 

My understanding is the Cobra Class 26 is a clone of the old Juki LS-341 so if you want a good manual download the manual for the Juki LS-341, Engineers manual. The Juki appears to rate their machines max thread size to the machines capabilities at max sewing capacity not by what size of thread can be stuffed through the max size needle. Juki LS-341 will take V207 thread yet the machine is only rated for V138 thread.

You may have success with V207 thread for the top and bobbin thread in thinner material or V207 top thread with V138 bobbin thread in thicker items.




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