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Antique Skiver - Sharpening stone doesn’t spin

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Can anyone help me with my antique skiver? It’s from 1980 - same vintage as me! When I bought it a couple years ago the grinding stone rotated/spun, but it stopped and I’m stumped on how to fix it. My best guess is that one of the belts needs to be replaced. But I’m also not sure where to buy a replacement belt. Also, does anyone know what kind of oil to use on this machine? Same as my sewing machine or something different? Thanks so much!


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If it needs any new belts, try a car parts accessories shop. They should have a range of different size belts to fit cars for  driving the radiator cooling fans or the air-conditioning units. Some car or farm machinery places will even make you a belt to the correct size

I have a 1930 vintage/antique Austin 7 car and a few others. When I need to replace the fan belt I just take the old one into the shop and match it up to a new one

Have you checked if any debris is stuck down inside somewhere and stopping things from moving? With fine clearances it doesn't take much to jam it up

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12 hours ago, KatieM said:

Can anyone help me with my antique skiver? It’s from 1980 - same vintage as me! When I bought it a couple years ago the grinding stone rotated/spun, but it stopped and I’m stumped on how to fix it. My best guess is that one of the belts needs to be replaced. But I’m also not sure where to buy a replacement belt. Also, does anyone know what kind of oil to use on this machine? Same as my sewing machine or something different? Thanks so much!


So yes make sure that the belt below the stone is tight and not broken as @fredk said.  That's the most common issue.  On my machine I just make replacement belts from leather but you can also buy them. 

If the mechanism that turns the belt isn't moving, check further in.  There is a knob that will move forward and back to push the small pointy rod on the left of my picture.  If when the rod is not engaged the two wheels (on the right in the picture) aren't touching then you can adjust to make sure they make contact. Since it's an old machine it's possible the rubber on the wheels has worn down. 

skiver sharpening.jpg

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I know nothing of your machine, but if you need belts, here are a couple of options

Here is a generic material used for belts:  

a lot of woodworkers use this for replacement / upgraded belts for saws, lots of options for purchase  https://www.google.com/search?q=table+saw+linked+belt&oq=table+saw+linked+belt&aqs=chrome..69i57.4376j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

alternative might work:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L3YT12H/?coliid=IT4WH5S2IJLLS&colid=3QY048OY1KONO&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it

Info on the belt deep in this vid  



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Am I the only one who gets a little annoyed and disappointed when folks ask questions and never respond to the replys they get?

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4 hours ago, Wepster said:

Am I the only one who gets a little annoyed and disappointed when folks ask questions and never respond to the replys they get?


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I don't know what model of skiver you have. From the few I see in the photo it looks a bit like one of mine which is a FAV AV 1T ( An excellent Italian). These skivers use three different belts of which two are V-Belts (8mm and 10mm) and the one you are interested in that drives the grinding wheel is a flat drive belt 0,6 to 0,8mm thick and 6-10mm wide. It has a special path through a system of two tensioners until it reaches the drive pulley. But be careful, you have to find the length you need yourself. I am sending you a photo below so you can understand how they are sold. I make my own from industrial belt cutting and sewing and some glue. Have a nice day from Athens.

You can use any well-known company's motor oil, but if you use the skiver near people or in an enclosed space, then sewing machine oil is the way to go. And a little grease (All known brands) in some places where the oil cannot stand.



Edited by xnikolaos

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