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Aye everyone new to using resoline, I finished my practice project with some resoline great shine but it turned my white angelis paint yellow! Any idea what might have happen?

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How heavy did you put it on?

Did you dilute it before applying?

How did you apply it?

I've never had that problem . . . but I don't use a bunch of paint.

May God bless,


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Just a thought on what I think has happened;

Resolene is acrylic as is the Angelis paint. Resolene's solvent carrier is aggressive

When you applied the Resolene its solvent softened and thinned the paint. It didn't turn the paint yellow but thinned it enuf so that some of the natural brown of the leather is showing through the paint making it look yellow

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Ive had the same issues with white paints yellowing after finish is applied. Leather sheen and resolene both was yellowing my white painted pieces. I use regular craft acrylic paints from the hobby lobby by the way not "leather specific" paints like angelis. What ive found fixes all my yellowing issues is i add a couple drops of a light beige paint into my white and mix it real good. It still comes out really white colored but i dont get the yellowing after adding a top coat.  Hopefully this helps.

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Did you mix it 50/50 with water? I mix it with water and not nasty city tap water, I have clean deep well water at my place but I use distilled water anytime I'm mixing something important.

don't know if it would make a difference but thought I'd throw that out there.

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I did a special holster for a Marine . . . 

White paint was bought at Tandy . . . not sure of the name.

Top coat is 50/50 Resolene and water . . . put on with a bristle brush.

No problems for me.

May God bless,



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