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I've been messing around with some remnants making things for the local "Artist against Aids" show in April. I know it's early but I'll be pretty busy after the 1st of the year so I'm getting a jump on it. Last year my wife put a few leather items in the show and they sold very quickly, other than those there was n't any leather in the show. I'll post more items as I finish them.






  • Ambassador

Hey Busted nice work man. I really like them both. Love the design and the use of lace and the color.

  • Ambassador

Great work busted. I'm with freak on the use of the colored lace.


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Great work and good idea. I bet they will sell fast How wide are they? I'm guessing 2"...am I close?

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I'm adding a positive vote too. Loved the color combination and design. Simple but eye-catching. peace.

  • Ambassador

Bustedlifter what brand of Lace did you use. :red_bandana:

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Thanks everyone. RayBan, good eye , they're about 2 1/4". Luke , I'm not sure. I was given a box of some misc. leatherworking supplies and the lace was on a plain cardboard spool.


Nice work!

What do you plan to sell them for? They should grab a nice price. You put some good time into these!


  • Members
Nice work!

What do you plan to sell them for? They should grab a nice price. You put some good time into these!


Thanks, not sure what price I'll put on them.I have a while to think about it. Half the money goes to the local aids project but you can donate more if you wish. It's also a good way to get exposure.

  • Members

You make nice uns too Freddie!!

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