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Hey all,

I’m just getting started with my first project and would like second opinions on needle and thread.

machine: Techsew 2750

leather: 2 to 2.5 oz. chrome tan

seam stitching only, no top stitching

goal: longevity 

upholstery project that will sit near a window (some uv exposure?)

I had been thinking size 138 bonded nylon thread with 135x16 diamond pt number 23 needles. Now wondering if that’s overkill. I have only sewn fabric with home machines before so any feedback on needle and thread selection is greatly appreciated- especially specific brands to look for or avoid.


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I think bonded polyester thread is more UV resistant.

8 hours ago, relogger said:

Hey all,

I’m just getting started with my first project and would like second opinions on needle and thread.

machine: Techsew 2750

leather: 2 to 2.5 oz. chrome tan

seam stitching only, no top stitching

goal: longevity 

upholstery project that will sit near a window (some uv exposure?)

I had been thinking size 138 bonded nylon thread with 135x16 diamond pt number 23 needles. Now wondering if that’s overkill. I have only sewn fabric with home machines before so any feedback on needle and thread selection is greatly appreciated- especially specific brands to look for or avoid.


I think that's a bit overkill.  2-2.5oz chrome tan leather is pretty thin and very soft and v138 thread will certainly work but I think I'd use v92 instead.  Heck, even v69 should work.  And I'd use a good brand like A&E Sunstop bonded poly thread.  Stay away from the cheap import thread.  v92 thread would let you use a #18 or #20 needle.  On my 2750 I tend to use only v92 (and only very rarely v138).  I also like Amann Serafil thread, but mostly use the A&E because it's high quality and easy to obtain locally for me.

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Great, thanks for both your responses. Since it will not be visible, what shape needle point is the most secure stitch?

1 hour ago, relogger said:

Great, thanks for both your responses. Since it will not be visible, what shape needle point is the most secure stitch?

The needle shape point and most secure stitch are two different things.  The needle shape point is determined by the material you will be sewing and in your case with chrome tan leather, it should be a leather point needle.  135x16 needle system is leather point and 135x17 is for fabric.


My brain is too logical for all this stuff. Now I know there are times when being pedantic does matter but I make bags and I don't think any of the industrial threads is gonna break in the normal use of a bag. So my first consideration when thinking about thread is the colour and how it contrasts or not with the rest of the bag. I have quite a few cones of thread and most of em have no label. So once I've decided on the colour I'll take a needle of a size that I think will work, I'll put some thread through it and hold the thread at 45 degrees. If the needle rushes down I'll go down a size. If it doesn't want to go at all or sluggishly I'll go up a size.

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