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HI everyone,

I would really appreciate your opinion on this dilemma. I had a stain accident, which ended up splashing a few drops on some of my finished items. All of them have a top coat so I am hoping I might be able to get the black stain off. I have used Nail Polish remover before to get stains out of leather, and was thinking this might work? Have any of you had this problem before, If so how did you fix it?


Thanks in Advance...


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You are out of luck nothing is going to work the only thing you can do is dye the entire thing black 

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Call it abstract and live with it. If you don't have a dye accident from time to time your not leatherworking.:thumbsup: its like holes and cuts on the digits its just gonna happen

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Yikes! I don't think your going to have any luck fixing that.

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