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Guest Rob Batorski

New Brand looking to hire a Leatherworker

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Guest Rob Batorski

Greetings Leatherworker community!

I am a small business owner of a growing brand called "Bandits Salvaged Goods".

We create leather dog leashes, collars, harnesses -- things of this nature.

I am looking to hire someone part-time or per-project to help with our manufacturing / hand-crafting of our products.

Up until this point, almost all of the products that have been produced I have made by hand.  The business is growing, and I could really use an extra hand, or someone with experience that I can trust to bring new products and pieces together, and help produce leather goods for the future.

If you're interested, or know someone that may be a good fit, please PM me, or reply here!

Thanks so much, and looking forward to hearing back.



Creative Director, Founder

Bandits Salvaged Goods


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Main question Where are you based?

This is an International Forum and we have members all over the world

PS. I don't think Guests can receive or send PMs

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5 hours ago, Guest Rob Batorski said:

If you're interested, or know someone that may be a good fit, please PM me, or reply here!

Guests cannot use our PM or Email systems. Those require forum membership. Interested parties must reply in plain text, which would leave their contact info exposed to harvesters and scammers. I suggest that you provide a means of people contacting you, or join the forum and use our message systems.

For those asking for a location, my intel suggests Washington State, unless he is using a VPN, Please update your information with your location and a means of contacting you.

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It looks like he is in Arizona, or perhaps southern California.


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