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Question for Cowboy Sewing Machine users

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I've searched the forum, admittedly not as deeply as I could've but kept going down rabbit holes, so just going to ask anyway...

I've got a Cowboy 3500 machine (my first 'real' leather machine) and am really liking it except for one thing. I believe it has a brake on the wheel where it can only be advanced slowly while the foot feed is pressed (power on). 

Is there a way to disable this so I can position the needle exactly where I want it to begin my stitches?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but have a big project coming up and don't want to screw it up based on my not knowing something that is probably obvious. But I don't know what I don't know.


Thanks for your help! 


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Pic of the motor please.


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Here’s a link to a thread on how I did it on my 4500…go to page five


Edited by bladegrinder

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My directions are way down in that thread, on page 5.

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22 hours ago, bladegrinder said:

Here’s a link to a thread on how I did it on my 4500…go to page five


Thanks so much!!! I'll give it a go this weekend :) 

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My machine is also the 4500 and I use the double sided shoe for 99% of everything I sew.

When I am lining up my "first" stitch . . . I put the place I want for the first one . . . dead center between the sides of the shoe . . . and when the needle comes down . . . it will come down on the line that would be across the front edge of the shoe . . . exactly in the middle.

It  never deviates . . . 

May God bless,


4500 sewing best.jpg

Edited by Dwight

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