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I don't know why my topic disappeared, so I'm writing again. So my problem is:

I got realy niece singer 45k5. When I try to sew, upper thread pull bottom one to the top. I know in most cases these is tension problem. But I have upper thread totaly loose, almost no resistance and bottom thread have so much tension that I realy hard to pull out by hand. After watching hook 100 times I saw, in the moment when needle go down, pull too much thread from bobbin. And when upper thread pull up the bottom one, there in absolutley no resistance on bottom thread because it have big loop,Ā until the thread looks out from the top on the 2mm leather. So setting the lower tension has absolutely no effect whatsoever. I hope someone can help.

As Wizcrafts sugest, I check all thread lines and all is threaded correct.Ā 


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If you've checked the entire thread path and nothing is binding, but too much thread is being drawn around the bobbin, you can adjust the "check spring" so it provides less slack thread. One way is by moving the bottom stopper bracket down to make the spring hold the thread taut longer. Another way is to tighten the check spring's action by loosening a set screw and using a screwdriver blade to turn the shaft holding the spring in whichever direction tightens it. Then lock down the set screw.

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Posted (edited)

what needle and thread size are you using? Some pictures or a video may help to figure the issue.


Edited by Constabulary
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I loosened this spring, hoping it would help. so can I tighten it? I'll try.Ā 


I used thread 20 (138) and needle 160 LR (23).Ā 

I'll take a picture or video if anything shows up.

When it goes counterclockwise (needle goes down) it pulls too much thread out of the bobbin. When it goes clockwise (needle goes up) the lower thread becomes loose and the upper thread easily pulls it so far that it peeks out at the top of the leather.

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Here needle is at the lowest point, uper thread is lose and check spring have no function at that moment.Ā If, at the moment it starts to pull the thread up, I lightly press the lower thread, which is too much, with my finger, it makes a good stitch.


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Posted (edited)

is the tension screw on the hook tension spring all the way in already (it should not)? Maybe the small tab that goes into the hook body on the lower end of the tension spring is broken off (Pic 1). The shown Adler hook is the same as the Singer and IĀ“m using it in my Singer 45D.

IMG_9966 (Forum).JPG

IMG_9965 (Forum).JPG

Edited by Constabulary
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Both are fine. I feel like it works properly, because I can adjust it from completely loose to so tight that I almost cut my fingers when I pull the thread. And on last time I trying to sew, I had it so tight, andĀ  there was absolutely no effect on the stitch.Ā As I said, the lower thread is somehow pulled out so far that when the upper thread lifts it, it goesĀ up so far that it peeks over 2mm of leather. If I hold it down with my finger slightly by pressing it against the bobbin case at the moment the upper thread starts to pull, it makes a nice stitch.



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Posted (edited)

okay looks fine to me. Can you post pictures of the machine maybe we can see what is wrong.

I cannot see the video. Upload it to YT and post a link here that always works best.

Edited by Constabulary
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Posted (edited)

I have edited the pic a bit... ah... well... IĀ“m not sure but is your bottom thread going trough the needle eye??? That would surprise me... But could just be the angle šŸ¤”



Edited by Constabulary
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Hmm through the eye? No, but it would be possible for the needle to go through the thread.

I have a friend who has an Adler 4-2, at the first opportunity, we will try it with his shuttlehook.

ok was uploaded to yt.Ā 

And here are some photos. In the photo you can see the moment when the lower thread becomes very tight and the thread is pulled out of the bobbin. This is the moment when the needle is in the completely lower position.


At that time, the upper thread is completely relaxed and does not affect the lower one. In the second photo, the appearance of the upper thread at the same moment.


In the last picture we see how a slight loop is made on the lower thread. This is at the moment when the upper thread starts to pull upwards. It pulls until it uses up this excess thread. And this is at the moment when it already looks out of the 2mm leather.Ā This way, the lower thread offers absolutely no resistance to pulling, no matter how tight the tension screw is.Ā And as I mentioned before, if I lightly press this loop against the bobbin case with my finger to hold it in place, it makes a nice stitch.


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Posted (edited)

I at least can see that here is a thread guide missing.

Have you cheeked the needle hook timing especially the needle bar height?


image.jpeg.b9aac21ae5319d9a37815a9d85cfb0a7 (Forum).jpeg

Edited by Constabulary
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Ok, that's what's missing. But I don't think there should be any problems with that, or?
I didn't check the timing specifically because it's grab thread, and I don't even know the exact position for this machine, what it should be.Ā There is one thing that is still wrong and I can't fix it, that's the only thing I suspect could be wrong. The hook goes too close to the needle and it slides on it. I recently got about 40 needles, all of which are worn down to the point where they have a bit of a flat surface on the side.Ā The needle I'm trying with is new.

I tried to move the entire lower system, but it was unsuccessful, probably the corrosion was too strong.



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One more video. Focus is little bad :( it is hard to have phone in one hand and spining machine.



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Loosen the lock screw on the spring and see if you can tighten the regular screw on the spring to increase the tension.Ā  Spring is up and seems to be catching on the thread.


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This one doesn't have a lock screw, but I know yes, some have it. I tightened it practically all the way and there's no difference. Do you mean this gap? Hmm, maybe the spring is really bended. That must be flush with housing?Ā 


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yes the gap on the spring to the bobbin case.Ā  spring should fit tighter.


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I have made thread guide

(For now is copper, but I will make from stainless)




I hope I can find new one. It would be niece if this caused problems. You are second person who notice these gap.

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