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evil dude update

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after the colour disaster with evil dude he was heading for the bin, but i thought he should be saved so i made him into a bowl.



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after the colour disaster with evil dude he was heading for the bin, but i thought he should be saved so i made him into a bowl.


love it,

fitting use for the devil

he's perfect to put your change and pocket detritus in!


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Man....what an awakening....

There ya are early morning,

eyes not quite focused....

hair still a mess.....

you finish that last spoonful of rice krispies...

lift the bowl to sip the final drops of milk, and........


Seriously, tho'....nice use of the piece. Very creative! I love it!

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Great save!!! This looks like it was meant to be now. NICE!!!

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well bowl me over, mighty snazzy use! *L*

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It's like... the Joker's change dish.

And it looks VERY planned. I love the result!!


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Roo, Love the bowl! After my color woe's with the demon I settled on just doing his eyes, eyebrows, mouth and teeth.



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that looks good scouter, i wish i had left mine unpainted....well..next time

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