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dummy guns/ blue guns

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I'm looking for dummy/training/blue guns, needed for shapping concealment holsters.

or even a link to a supplier that can supply them and not wait 6 week and tell you they can't ship them.


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You might want to try streichers.com. They sell law enforcement gear including blue guns. There are certain things that they will not sell to civilians but I believe that they will sell the blue guns. I hope this helps.

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You can right to the manufacturer and find whose close or maybe they can help.Dave

Ring's Bluegun site

Visit My Website

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stick to the blue guns. the asp ones aren't always dimensionally correct from what I've heard.

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I have had several experiences with different suppliers, so I went direct to Rings Manufacturing. I learned that very few of their distributors (those advertising the products) actually stock the products, simply accept orders and forward to Rings for production and drop shipping. Thus, the long waits and generally poor service.

Rings will accept direct orders. Contact them and they will be happy to take your business. 321-951-0407, credit card over the phone works. The down side of this is that you will pay suggested retail prices (minimum order for wholesale pricing is about $20K). My last order was for 4 pieces, and with delivery costs the invoice came to about $185, which is more than some suppliers advertise. The up side to this is that delivery was made in about 2 weeks.

Generally speaking, the first holster made pays for the dummy gun. I am willing to pay a little more and get what I need in a timely manner so I can keep filling my customers' orders as quickly as possible.

I now have over 30 dummies, about evenly split between Rings, ASP, and Duncans. Each has its good points and less-than-good points. The only thing I really care about is getting what I need when I need it.

On older, out-of-production, handguns it is generally impossible to get a dummy gun. I have also added several real handguns to my collection and produce holsters that most other makers are no longer making. This is actually a profitable niche market, and the added plus is that I can add to my gun collection and take the expense as a tax deduction!

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I have checked around several places and even called Ring in FL. Lobo, is correct you will pay retail from Ring & you can become a Dist for $750. Not really worth it. The cheapest place I have found is Roper Supplies @$34.95 (1-228-832-8889).

I just rec'd 4 yesterday direct from Ring. They just dropped shipped for Roper. And again Lobo is correct when he says their service is far from good. But I got mine in 4 days which is better than usual.

Good luck and give Windy a call.

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