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Just a cool music video

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Thank you for enriching my day. That was beautiful!

I seem to remember seeing a similar "montage" with a different song though.

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Thanks for the great link! It was great!

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That's a very inspiring, heart-warming video. I found one like that on YouTube a while back that has some of the same feeling to it. Just goes to show that we are all one people and all we have to do is sing, or dance as it is in this video...

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Yep, Dancing with Matt has been fun but here's one for somebody we all know:


I wish we could embed stuff....

Edited by rdb

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being the silly person that I am --- be prepared to laugh your butt off if you are first a

Harry Potter Fan


A Psyco Fan


A Star Wars Fan


go watch the vidios that they have put up to go with the songs -- some are really well done fan art.....

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I wish we could embed stuff....

We're working on it. We don't want to break the board. The last time that happened, all you people freaked out and went through withdrawal. It was horrible. Kate has been experimenting, and so has IPB. It's coming- we're just being on the cautious side.


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Thanx for the update Johanna. Damn the torpedos. Full Speed Ahead!!!...as long as you have 23 solid good verified backups, on tape, dvd, microfiche, and papyrus!!!!!

Bear with me, I've been goofing off today, it's been a long two weeks. I even lost a sale today, because I told the guy I was goofing off today, and he didn't like it. Oh, well.

So I first heard this guy the same day this was posted on You Tube, two years to the day. I was so struck, I featured him on the blog I had. It was the most hit video that I ever showed. Now maybe it might have been the crowd I gathered at the time, but just to share with you, here it is...The guy mispelt the title on this post, it's supposed to be "Grungy Guy", just ignore that.

The lesson from this kind of talent, is to never judge a man by the way he looks.

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The guy mispelt the title on this post, it's supposed to be "Grungy Guy", just ignore that.

The lesson from this kind of talent, is to never judge a man by the way he looks.

I think they meant Gaye, as in Marvin Gaye? My guess.

I loved the Where the Hell is Matt vid too!

As to not judging by appearance, anyone ever see that BIG guy from Britain's Got Talent (or whatever it was called) sing opera? That's a true case of "don't judge a book by its cover"!

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Sure, why not! When I saw that plane taking off, then heard all the other musicians kick in, I actually got goosebumps. Just a small example of what can happen when the walls and barriers come down, for once. I especially enjoyed Grampa Elliot - what a great voice.

Thanks for sharing that!


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I'm with you, Kate, I loved his voice in that vid.

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That moosebutter stuff is some great amateur a capella work, and they obviously have a flair for parody - Haaaaaa!!! Thanks for posting it.


being the silly person that I am --- be prepared to laugh your butt off if you are first a

Harry Potter Fan


A Psyco Fan


A Star Wars Fan


go watch the vidios that they have put up to go with the songs -- some are really well done fan art.....

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