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Lunch with George Hurst

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I teach a lacing class once a month at the local Tandy and it's right across the street from Hidecrafter's in Ft. Worth. I figured I'd go in today and see what's new. They had just finshed their Saturday class and George was there. We talked for a minute and he and Jo Spencer invited me to lunch at the nearby diner. I have to say that lunch with George and Jo proved to be the greatest outing. I learned that George once played football for Joe Paterno at Penn State. He lived in New York and worked for Tandy for 35 years. He's a great guy, and I'm going to try and learn as much as I can from him. I feel very fortunate to be around here.

Anyway, I just had to share.

Keep poundin'!!!

Edited by Rawhide

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Dang, Marlon, George Hurst, Peter Main, who's next? You must be kissed by an angel...lol

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The phrase "Lucky Dog" comes to mind! Remember to pass it on.

Enjoy your blessings.


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I tell ya, I do feel blessed. I'm sure going to do my part...That's partly why I joined the LW, to learn and pass on. I just hope that one day, I can be half as talented as these guys.

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I saw that your the newest LSLC guild member (got the news letter the other day). Welcome to the group. Hope to see you soon. I'm looking forward to see what you can teach a newbie like me.


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I saw that your the newest LSLC guild member (got the news letter the other day). Welcome to the group. Hope to see you soon. I'm looking forward to see what you can teach a newbie like me.


Thanks for the welcome Damon. I look forward to meeting you. (Not sure what I can teach, but I'll show you everything that I know :cheers:) I plan on being at the guild meeting Tuesday night.

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Hello Rawhide,

George is a very good friend of mine. I got to know him quite well during his and my years at Tandy. He's an extremely talented man,very knowledgeable, and a wealth of information. The leather world will probably never know how much it owes him! If you see him again soon, please pass on my greetings and best wishes. I'd heard that he had some health issues recently.....

Kevin Hopkins, Springfield leather.

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Try riding to a trade show with George, We went to Wickenburg show, Just George and I, What stories!! I have been on several trips with him and cherish all the time we spent together during the time I worked for Hide Crafters. I really miss him! Just never ask George about the first time he met me.... George and I do still keep in touch.

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Wow - that's so cool that you guys got to meet someone as talented as that! Lucky you!

Sounds like a great guy, with a lot to teach.

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Hello Rawhide,

George is a very good friend of mine. I got to know him quite well during his and my years at Tandy. He's an extremely talented man,very knowledgeable, and a wealth of information. The leather world will probably never know how much it owes him! If you see him again soon, please pass on my greetings and best wishes. I'd heard that he had some health issues recently.....

Kevin Hopkins, Springfield leather.

Kevin, I sure will tell him. I hope to see him tomorrow at the guild meeting .

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Awesome day there Rawhide. Very reminiscent of the day me and 2 other of my Longhorn Trail Guild members had a month or so back. We made the rode trip from Austin to Hidecrafter's and spent the day with George. If you see the March newsletter from Lonestar CLICK HERE and scroll to the bottom of the pdf you will see the story of our visit.

The photo shows (starting on the left) ATX aka Sam our Vice pres of the Longhorn Trail Guild, Me.. George has his arm on my shoulders and Danny our President. We had a cool meeting at the store and then lunch at the same diner! Sounds as if he is quite fond of the place.

We didn't get the story of the football, but of his military service and his time at Tandy. He is a real cut up and not the monotone guy on the videos. If you get a chance to hang out with him you will walk away with more leather information than you ever thought one person could possess, and that is just what he casually talks about! Imagine if you had access to actually document and pick his brain. I had a blast and hope that I get the chance to hang with him again.


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I saw George last night at the guild meeting and he was happy to know you asked about him... As far as the recent health issues...He mentioned that he had to spend 3 days in the hospital after a fall outside his home where he hit his head...Fortunately, everything looks ok. He's still in a little pain, but otherwise, he's fine. And may I mention a faboulous 76 years old.

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Hey Rawhde,

You can't go wrong hangin' with George. He gave me a huge hand up getting my books published and on the market, not to mention my patterns sets. As a matter of fact, we spent three tours together at the SASS Convention in Las Vegas . . . . Man, what a ride! He is in deed a great wealth of knowledge and a fine fellow. I haven't been in touch with him after closing my shop a couple of years ago (shame on me!) If you see him before I do, tell him I said Howdy! . . . and then watch Ron's reaction. :head_hurts_kr:

Jim Simmons

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Hey Rawhde,

You can't go wrong hangin' with George. He gave me a huge hand up getting my books published and on the market, not to mention my patterns sets. As a matter of fact, we spent three tours together at the SASS Convention in Las Vegas . . . . Man, what a ride! He is in deed a great wealth of knowledge and a fine fellow. I haven't been in touch with him after closing my shop a couple of years ago (shame on me!) If you see him before I do, tell him I said Howdy! . . . and then watch Ron's reaction. :head_hurts_kr:

Jim Simmons

Jim, I sure will... I actually saw him yesterday...he was working on a pattern for our class this weekend. So I'll see him tomorrow and Sunday. This will be good, 'cause I love to mess with Ron. :cheers:

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This will be good, 'cause I love to mess with Ron. :cheers:

Don't we all?

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Jim, I sure will... I actually saw him yesterday...he was working on a pattern for our class this weekend. So I'll see him tomorrow and Sunday. This will be good, 'cause I love to mess with Ron. :cheers:

Hey Rawhide,

George stopped in my store the other day, and we had a nice visit... if you see this, tell him Kevin Hopkins said it looked like his Carving was slipping a bit.... I'd give anything to see and hear what he says about that!!! (After he cusses me, make sure you tell him that I'm pulling his leg)


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