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Thanks for sharing the videos! I really enjoined them!


Thanks Art...Jill and I really enjoyed those videos. Would like to have seen more.


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Thanks for the links, those are some good ones.


Just go the folklife center in Elko. They have more there, and a little living room setup to sit and view them in. My wife entertained herself there for half a day watching them all.


That sounds neat, Bruce! Do they serve Crown while you're there at the movies? I could get lost there for days!!!! :rofl:


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I imagine we could find us some Crown easy enough. Stockman's and the Commercial are close by. The Star is within walking distance - good food, lots of it, and a friendly bar. There is also the Horseshoe Club around the corner with a pool table. Remember now, there is a leather show in the works for July in Elko.


What?!? No Shamrock? Or Dewdrop Inn??



After watching those I would love to just sit with these guys for about a week each and just watch, listen and learn.



I imagine we could find us some Crown easy enough. Stockman's and the Commercial are close by. The Star is within walking distance - good food, lots of it, and a friendly bar. There is also the Horseshoe Club around the corner with a pool table. Remember now, there is a leather show in the works for July in Elko.

What show is that, Bruce? I didn't see it in the schedule....

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Supposed to be July 17-18th as I am recalling. Paula at Capriols'a and Wayne Jueschke are kind of ramrodding it as I understand. When we get some more details We'll post them. There is a carving class from a guy you know. I don't recall who is teaching braiding, but the tradeshow lineup sounds kind of good.


Supposed to be July 17-18th as I am recalling. Paula at Capriols'a and Wayne Jueschke are kind of ramrodding it as I understand. When we get some more details We'll post them. There is a carving class from a guy you know. I don't recall who is teaching braiding, but the tradeshow lineup sounds kind of good.

That's kind of exciting! I'm relatively sure that I won't make Sheridan again this year, but maybe Elko will be an option. I'll give Wayne a call and see what's happening. Thanks!


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Thanks for the link. I cannot imagine the skill it takes to stamp & make a saddle. Gifted craftsmen, no doubt.

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