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thanks to a boo-boo on my part, this has gone from a production piece to an r&d model, dagnabbit. and it was coming along so well until the final touch. forgot to put the snap on the spike and had to cut the spike off. it kinda screwed up the leather a little. oh well. next! *L* *grumble grumble* got inspired by somebody else's dice cup so I came up with this idea. lemme know what ya think.







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That's pimp Drac. Can't wait to see it done...

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um... it's done. was planning on the production ones looking jsut like this, just without the boo-boo of course. ya think there's sumpin else I should do to it?

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I didn't know if you were gonna add some color or some neats foot oil. Kinda looks pale. Funny how I posted and then I was like, "OH CRAP, what if he was done".

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Nice stuff Drac! Spike rivets sure looks good on about anything but kinda hard to fit into your pocket (but very pleasurable once it is in, oooh my!)

Hey, how is it held together on the back? I waz tinking that handstitching is not your favourite hobby so it'd be kind cool if you had machinesewn a zipper there to avoid stitching. :Lighten:


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ya think there's sumpin else I should do to it?

It looks cool. Dye it gray. Burnish the edges.

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it's a little darker than the pics show, but not much. I didn't seal it either. thought it'd look kinda neat as time went by of it being used so it would end up looking more and more like an old castle. if there's something ya think should be done with it, just say it. always looking for ways to improve.


hmmm... a zipper... nah. think that would take more time that how I stitched this one. almost took a pic of the back but decided nobody would want to see it. will have to take a backside pic (of the cup. not me. don't get your hopes up *L*). unless ya have those gigantic pants that the kids were wearing for awhile, this thing ain't fittin' in a pocket. would've liked to use a machine to do the stitching, but my tippman won't do anything like this.


dye it gray and burnish the edges... I like the idea of the gray. might burnish the bottom of the bottom piece coz we all know gamers tend to spill things. *L* not sure about burnishing the rest. kinda like the way it looks not burnished and I was trying to keep the top of the bottom piece even and smooth with the snap support ring. also was trying not to break up the transition of the top piece to the bottom. I used the same block designs and shapes at the lower section of the top piece and the top of the bottom piece. good ideas though and thanks!

Edited by Drac

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I like the way you built it. Is it drawn on the leather? It's not cut huh? That's pretty smooth man.

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thanks to a boo-boo on my part, this has gone from a production piece to an r&d model, dagnabbit. and it was coming along so well until the final touch. forgot to put the snap on the spike and had to cut the spike off. it kinda screwed up the leather a little. oh well. next! *L* *grumble grumble* got inspired by somebody else's dice cup so I came up with this idea. lemme know what ya think.




What is it, Drac?

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i like it! nice job.

sucks about the mistake

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I cased the leather like I would before carving, but instead of letting it dry/soak in a bit, I put the tracing film on it and pressed hard with the stylus to make the lines and color/burnish the darker areas. no cuts on it at all.


it's a dice cup/dice carrier for gamers... or beer smuggler! *L*

beeza yeah it does! wasn't happy about that at all. I hate wasting leather for any reason.

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I cased the leather like I would before carving, but instead of letting it dry/soak in a bit, I put the tracing film on it and pressed hard with the stylus to make the lines and color/burnish the darker areas. no cuts on it at all.


it's a dice cup/dice carrier for gamers... or beer smuggler! *L*

beeza yeah it does! wasn't happy about that at all. I hate wasting leather for any reason.


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File down the neck and add a whammy bar...

Whoops, wrong movie. I like it. Though the spikes might hurt if it gets stuffed in a pocket... Someone needs to make leather dice...


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File down the neck and add a whammy bar...

Whoops, wrong movie. I like it. Though the spikes might hurt if it gets stuffed in a pocket... Someone needs to make leather dice...


Crap! What did I tell you about saying things out loud around me. Hm, leather dice huh?..... :Lighten: This structure is cool Drac and the technique is cool.

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hows about hiding that boo boo with a pendant style flag hanging from the battlements a slightly smaller hole should pop over that stud and stay put.....

a second stitch down the tower ensures you don't loose your lid whilst in a dice hurling frenzy!!!!! gnrrrrr

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