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Cell Phone Case

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Here is a cell phone case I just finished. It is for a blackberry type phone. I used HO leather 6-7 oz.for the main body with 3-4 oz for the gussets. I also lined it with some 2-3 oz leather. sewing in the gusset was a little tough but it worked out OK.

whatdoyouthink.gif Let me know if you see anything that I can work on to make it a better case.


Cell  Phone Case 044.JPG

Cell  Phone Case 035.JPG



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All in all a very nice piece of work.  There were be only one thing to try and work on and that is burnishing the edges. Check out Bob Park's tutorial. He is a very accomplished and well rounded leather craftsman and it is a good bit of info.


Great piece though!!! :yes:


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It's amazing how much work goes into these little cases and it really shows on that piece. Do you have a pic of the back? Great looking work!

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Great looking case, I would like to see the back as well since IM working on a similer one myself. Excellent stitching.

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Looks great ! I just made one for my blackberry curve and one thing to remember is the magnet. It puts the phone in "holster" mode. So when you slide the phone in, it will not activate anything and locks the keys. It really sux to pull your phone out to discover you've been online the last two hours in your pocket. HAHAHAHA... i said online in your pocket....

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That 's a wonderful piece you did. I like your stitch line. Did you hand stitch or machine sew? I like your technique.

Happy tooling


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Great job on the case! It looks very professional. When I make these I leave the edges oversized at the gussets so that my sewing machine has more surface to walk on. Then I go back and cut the final size and burnish the edges. I think it makes it a little easier for me to sew.


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Thanks everyone for the comments. I will work on the edges more. As you can see from the back pictures the sewing needs help. I really like the advice from Bobby on sewing. I thought of that after I had made that mistake. But that is how I learn the hard way LOL. Here is two more pictures one of the back (with the bad sewing job) and one of the inside. Tim I did use a machine to sew it together.

Thanks again for all the help.


Cell  Phone Case 040.JPG

Cell case 004.JPG



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Nice case. Just be careful with that snap though. I just did a case for myself and within a few days that snap had cracked the LCD crystal on the phone, didn't break the glass but rather the crystal below the glass. Cost me $100 to replace the phone and you definitely don't want your customers coming back at you for that. I'm reworking my case now to either eliminate the snap on the front or make the snap on the back.

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Do you have a photo of your case/ I just got a request for a Blackberry 3G Curve case...not a smartphone guy myself, so looking for guidance.



Looks great ! I just made one for my blackberry curve and one thing to remember is the magnet. It puts the phone in "holster" mode. So when you slide the phone in, it will not activate anything and locks the keys. It really sux to pull your phone out to discover you've been online the last two hours in your pocket. HAHAHAHA... i said online in your pocket....

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Hey Mark. Looks great to me.You_Rock_Emoticon.gif

I'd have you make me one, but then the wife would ask why I have so many sewing machines, leather and tools and buy my stuff outside.

Easy answer. I want the good stuff, not what I sell. LOLOLOL

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