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Hi Everybody,

I hope Everybody had a Wonderful Christmas! Here are some of the Mauls I made before Christmas. Some of these, I knew were going to be Christmas presents, so I held off posting pictures of them. The types of woods that the people wanted, were all beautiful,,,pictures just don't seem to do them justice. I'm sure everybody that recieved one could say more. I guess I'm kind of like the Shoemakers Son,,,my personal mauls are rather boring,,, maybe it's time to make something like some of these for myself,,, hehehe Take Care,,, & Thanks Again! Ed the"BearMan"

Presentation grade Redwood Burl Elite 18oz 3.jpg

Rosewood Elite 22oz .jpg

Satinwood  Elite 18oz thick.jpg

Amboyna Burl Elite 18oz 5  presentation grade.jpg

Amboyna Burl Elite 18oz presentation grade.jpg

Redwood Burl 18oz 2.jpg







  • Members

Those are some eyecatchers, Ed! I especially like the last one... simple but elegant. Well done!

  • Members

Another great batch of bearman mauls.


  • Members

Thanks for making mine Ed, they are awesome and pictures don't do them justice!! Your turn around time as well as the whole ordering experience was top notch, thank you!

  • Members

Hey Ed, great work, I was wondering do you do mallets as well or just the mauls and what kind of weight are these bad boys? thanks, Mike.

  • Members

Thank you Ed for making my XMas maul. The workmanship is outstanding! Eventhough I am used to using Bob Beard's mauls, I appreciate the different feel that these have (more rebound). If you ever get a chance to make a heavier version, write me down.

  • Members

Hey that last one on the right looks like the one you made for me.wave.gif

I love mine. I use it almost every day. Makes a good walnut cracker......yes.gif not really.

Are you going to make any heavier? I'm looking for something like 24oz or so.


Hi Joel,

The Rosewood one pictured above, is a 22oz Maul. I may be able to stretch it to 24oz,,, maybe. Once the weight gets to 20oz, I go from a 1/2" Stainless center shaft, to a 5/8" shaft. I also make the striking head about 1/4" bigger around. With the extra weight, I don't feel that a 1/2" shaft would be strng enough. But then again I tend to make things stronger than they actually need to be. Thanks for your interest. Ed the"BearMan"

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