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can any one recomend or have any small carving patterns that i can use to practice my carving techneque? i have just one pattern that i am using and i am getting board with it and i am looking for some new and chalenging ons to work with

Thanks for your help

Donnie Blaze

  • Contributing Member

Patterns for / of what? Doesn't matter? Tandy has 6 or 8 you can download for free, and there's a million or so "doodle pages" on Ebay for next to nothing. Otherwise, try this ...

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s1dp9_ID Billfolds_Front copy.JPG


s1dp9_ID Billfolds_Back copy.jpg



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If you only have one pattern, then that suggest to me that you don't have any instruction books. All instruction books have quite an assortment of patterns that would fill the bill for you. Tandy and Hidecrafter both have many to select from. For the novice I would suggest:

Leathercraft Manual by Al Stohman, AD Patten, and JA Wilson

Lucky Seven

Lucky Eight

Craftool Tech tips

and then there is a whole library of books by Al Stohlman, all of which are worth many times over their cost.

These all turn up on eBay from time to time. Also Doodle Pages and old copies of the leather magazines.

Instruction books are faw and away your best investment. What you learn from them will be used time after time, way more than a high priced basketweave stamp. In the Leathercraft Manual, there are a dozed pages devoted to the Swivel Knife alone. This is the book that most 4-H programs use sections from for their leathercraft project books.

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thanks for the patterns and photo carve i look forward to trying them out

Donnie Blaze


PM....your email address and I will send you my practice patterns.

Good luck.

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Try this one. I created it for a guys motorcycle seat and he  changed his mind.


  • Contributing Member
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Try this one. I created it for a guys motorcycle seat and he changed his mind.


thanks storm that one is going to have to wate for a little while as i have not eaven attempted to do figure carving got to get a book on that when i get working

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I have ton's of different patterns waht would you like florals, skulls, native, animals and more give me an idea waht you want to try.

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I have ton's of different patterns waht would you like florals, skulls, native, animals and more give me an idea waht you want to try.

I would like to try all patterns. i am how ever limited in my tools. i have the basic 7 and a few mor cams, veaners,seeders,and bevelers. so any thing i do i have to use what i got so that i gues will help me figure out what tools will work and what will not work.

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Start here Tandy has a few free patterns you can download there are 2 pages , http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/freepatterns/freepatterns.aspx

they also have sample pages of their E-Books http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/home/ebooks/ebooks.aspx

hide crafter has a couple of patterns too http://www.hidecrafter.com/hci/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8&Itemid=19

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