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I finally have the show packet for the spring leather craft show (for the Midwest). This spring it's hosted by Calumet Area Leathercrafters Guild and will be in Michigan City, IN. PDF of show packet attached.


Michigan City, for those who aren't local, is in NW Indiana not far from Chicago. It's a 3 day event (Friday evening through Sunday) April 25-27, 2008.

While it's not an official IFOLG event, they will be using the IFOLG categories and judging criteria. You do NOT need to be in a Guild to come to the show, enter a piece or two in competition, or just hang with other leather nuts.

Jim Linnell of Tandy will be giving his beginners class at this show. I took it in October and look at me now! He must be pretty good. Plus, it's free!

Bring the kids! Special kids only raffle table, plus kids craft project with Monica Nibbe.

If you are interested in being a vendor, tables are still available! If you want to demonstrate a particular technique, contact CALG, I'm sure we could use more!

Rooms are cheep, admission is free! Small fee for contest entries. Raffle tables, vendor tables, and demonstrations... What could be more fun than whacking some dead cow!


  • Ambassador
Do you know what the fees are going to be yet?


Rooms are $79 a night. Competition entries are $2.50 each item for the first 4 items maximum of $10. All entries past that are free.

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Now I need to ask a question

I read the attached file and all the categorys. What is the difference between carved and stamped? Being such a newbie I just do things not always knowing the right term for it :crazy: *Thinking, this might be fun*

  • Contributing Member

Stamping is using say craftool number x498 to do a basketweave on your leather, that is stamping.

Carving is when you use a knife and several other "stamping" tools to create the same basketweave.

  • Members

Ahhhh....Super Thanks:-)

  • Moderator

Pics from last year's show in Indianapolis are here:


This is a regional show sponsored by the enthusiasm and dedication of a few established guilds working together and friendly vendors. No vendor expects to make money at these shows, but with some work, he can meet expenses while spreading goodwill. The competition is using IFoLG rules, so entering is good "practice" for the show in the fall. These shows draw a good crowd, especially when classes and demos are offered, and are a great way to meet people interested in the same things you are. You will see long haired biker types and suit-and-ties sitting next to each other excitedly talking tools or how to get the most out of a swivel knife or this cool new way to braid...people really come together over leather. The guilds do a lot of planning to host the show, and you can show your support by donating to the raffle table, even if you can't make it there in person. Hope to see some of you in Indiana this spring!




Thanks for the shout out about the donations for the raffle table. I think that post probably got lost in the crash.

YES! Anyone who would like to can donate a raffle item for the raffle tables. Heck, donate two! We're looking primarily for leathercraft related goods, (finished items, supplies, books) but if you have a secondary art and feel it's worthy, I'm sure it will be accepted with a big thanks. My mother in law always makes an afghan (the blanket type, not the bedouin type) for the raffle table, and since I don't have any leather stuff yet, I will probably put in a framed photo. It's my "other art".

I hope to have something pretty in leather for the fall IFOLG show.


  • 2 weeks later...

POKE - keeping this active. How many think they will go?

If there are vendors that want to go, I can put you in touch with the guy organizing the vendors.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Bumping it up again. Hotel Registrations were due March 25th. Any submitted now are on a space available basis. Yeah, mine aren't in either!!

The raffle table alone may be worth the trip up. It's almost better than the fall IFOLG show...

Tippman is supposed to be there with the Boss and will, I understand, be doing demos with it. Other demonstrations too, but I don't have a final list yet. I will try to get that up by next week.

Paul Burnett has had to back out of the head judge position for personal reasons. I will find out who is replacing him as head judge and get that posted too.

Best to all,


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

OK kids - one more week! I've seen a couple of names that I recognize on some submitted contest items! So I know a few of you are coming. I'm attaching the show brochure for your amusement, and if any of you are on the fence, mayble this'll bump ya off.

I'm going to be manning the registration table on Friday with CALG member & fellow LW.net member "Smudly". Please say hello!


PS: It figures. As soon as I loose this book on the public, something changes. George Hurst will not make it. As soon as I find out whether anyone from Hidecrafters will be there I will repost the book. Anyone who got it in the few minutes it was up, draw a line through George for the demonstrations on Saturday.


Edited by howardb
  • Contributing Member

Hi Brent,

I wont be there in person to say "hello" so I'll just do it here. "HELLO BRENT". I did send some entries for th show though. I hope they got there ok. I'm sure everyone that does make it to the show will have a great time.

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I'll be there, see ya next weekend:-)

  • Moderator

Brent- how to we get banquet tickets?

Tina- Just made my reservation, too! See you next week! :)


Hi Brent,

I wont be there in person to say "hello" so I'll just do it here. "HELLO BRENT". I did send some entries for th show though. I hope they got there ok. I'm sure everyone that does make it to the show will have a great time.

Clay - Yep, I tagged them. And I just realized I will need to fill out the whole tag as you won't be there (big duh!) In my noggin, I was assigning the tags and then y'all would fill them out when you got there. I'm smakin' my head for that one! I'll make sure yours and the others get filled out before deadline.

Brent- how to we get banquet tickets?

Tina- Just made my reservation, too! See you next week! :)


Johanna, no banquet at the midwest show, at least not this one. Maybe a bunch of us can meet for dinner on Saturday?

Tina - see you there!




OK, I finally got word. Hidecrafters won't be coming at all to our show, nor will George Hurst. George is still sending a couple things for the raffle table though. New brochure is attached.

See you there!



  • Moderator


I'll be there tomorrow afternoon- wish I could leave today!! Usually I tell people to look for the short lady with the long hair, but I cut most of my hair off this week (it is now the shortest it has been in 27 years!) I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and catching up with old ones. Look for the lady with the two kids, Wal Mart purse and the camera- that will be me! :)


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Then Johanna, I'll be the the one with loooong dark hair:-) Mosly up in a pony tail and braided (to get the thing out of my face) Camera-Yes


See ya soon//Tina

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Can some one who is getting to go post some pictures soon! I miss getting to go to the shows already. Only bad part of my career change.


Posted (edited)

What a freakin' good time!

Met Tina and her hubby - nice folks! Her stuff in person is more awesome than the pictures she posts. The judges almost could not decide between two of her cases for best of category (Open - B category). I think everything she entered got a blue "ribbon". Oh by the way, the ribbons were handmade dreamcatchers, so much cooler than a reg'lar ribbon.

Johanna came and though I didn't get to talk to her more than a few seconds, I think she had fun and she seemed to know everyone.

This group was well represented. I took 4 blues and a white; Tina had at least 4 blues, and I heard Clay B's name twice during awards. Clay, let me know which items were yours. Clay was in Advanced and the competition was fairly stiff. Smudly got a white in open division for a sweet day planner. I think it would have done better, but there were 9 other items and they were all pretty good. I would have given it 2nd, but I was only a lowly scribe and not allowed to comment.

A new member to the CALG has only been carving for 2 years and entered a saddle that won him best of show in open class. I was not privvy to the discussion, but I would bet Tina's name came up during those discussions. I know the head judge was much impressed by her stuff. She could compete in Advanced...

Anyway, for a small show, there was much excitement. I got to try out a Tippman BOSS they brought in for demo. While the vendor room was a little thinner than we'd hoped, the RAFFLE TABLE was INSANE! 200 items, and more than half were REALLY nice things.

I got to sit and watch Jim Linnell tool a rose and learned how HE does those #$%^& leave edges! Jim also worked on a horse after the rose. Allan Scheiderer does pretty amazing stamped stuff and I got to watch him for a bit.

I have pictures. I need to find a way to get them up somewhere. I got to take pictures in the competition room before they moved everything out, and took a bunch at the guild displays.

Anyway, a good time. Someone let me know where to send pics.


Edited by howardb
  • Moderator

admin@leatherworker.net I'll get them up for you.

Just how was I supposed to talk to you, Brent? You were a busy guy all during the show! You even had your daughter working! Someone needs to give Carol a raise- I don't know what the IFoLG would do without her, and I heard she put that ginormous raffle display together. I've been to IFoLG shows with less on the table.

It was a good time- I'm glad so many people turned out in support of the show. It's a leap for a guild to sponsor one because it takes money and volunteers, Calumet had it down to room 360 where show attendees could visit muchie heaven in the "hospitality room". I think my son would follow Gina anywhere after that. Monica handled a million details, too. Let us know when you hear what Prairie States is planning for next year. The opportunities these shows present can change the lives of leatherworkers- not in just what they can learn, but the lifelong friendships that are made.


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Thanks Brent for your kind words and it was a blast meeting All you nice folks too:-) My husband is not a leatherworker but he had such a good time so now he's planing for the Columbus show, Yiiihaaa:-)

Johanna, put up any pictures you like, I'm sure I'll hate them anyway *S* I love being behind the camera not in front.

  • Moderator

howardb took much better pictures than I did. He took pics of the stuff that was gone by the time I got there. See his pics here:

howardb's pics

Click on any thumbnail for a better view, or use the scroll arrows to view them all. Great pics- thanks for sharing, Brent!

Thank you, Brent, for everything you did in public, and behind the scenes to make the show so good. :yes:



This is Allan Scheiderer, president of the Buckeye Leathercrafters Guild, hosts of the IFoLG show this September. I don't know who the pretty lady is. Brent?



  • Contributing Member

Thanks Brent (and Johanna) for posting these pictures. There sure were a lot of really nice projects entered in this show. It's a lot of fun seeing what everyone else is doing. One thing I notice is that there is a lot talent in the open class and hopefully that means there is a bright future for these shows.

Brent, you gonna tell us which entries were yours?? I think I recognized a few other items that people have shown here on the forum before too.

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