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Heritage Softail

Where To Buy Leather?

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I'm just starting out and new to the forums. Where is a good place to buy leather? or does it depend on what type of leather you want to buy? Where do you guys on the forum get your leather from? and what are the prices?


Edited by Heritage Softail

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  On 10/2/2011 at 4:23 AM, Heritage Softail said:

I'm just starting out and new to the forums. Where is a good place to buy leather? or does it depend on what type of leather you want to buy? Where do you guys on the forum get your leather from? and what are the prices?


Definitely depends on what you're looking for. Obviously Tandy Leather Factory carries leather and can be found near most major cities and online. They carry a wide variety of grades of leather starting from scrap for practicing on up to their Royal Meadow which is pretty decent but not top of the line.

Next up would be other dealers like Springfield Leather that carry imports like Tandy but also handle C grade Hermann Oak. From there you can step up to folks like Sheridan Leather Outfitter, Goliger Leather Co, and others that carry Hermann Oak A & B grades. From there you're talking about Tannery direct, i.e. going straight to the top with either Hermann Oak or Wickett & Craig A/#1 grades. Unfortunately, Hermann Oak will only sell in lots of 10 hides or more which most folks can't afford to do. Wickett & Craig will sell single hides and will split them to whatever thickness you want. W&C also has overstock specials most of the time (it's usually their C & B grades) where you can get a whole hide for $107 plus shipping (about $4.50 per sq. ft).

Pricing depends on the tannery/brand, thickness of the leather (in oz.) and what grade you want to work with. Generally you're looking between $2-4 per sq. ft for the lower grades/imports on up to $8-9 per sq. ft for the A grades of H.O or W&C. Hides average 22-25 sq.ft from most places.

Springfield and some Tandy locations will cut hides in 1/2 of the more popular sizes & grades if someone can't afford the whole thing.

P.S. - nice ride!

Edited by Spinner

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I'll second what Spinner said. There is a Tandy in Baltimore (I see you are in MD) I usually had good luck with Tandy and they ship fast it it's to far to drive. They have a decent assortment of differing qualities of veg tan depending on what you are doing. I also like http://springfieldleather.com/ they will cut most of their leather if you can't afford of don't need the whole side. plus they have a better selection of Fiebing's dyes. I also Like http://www.wickett-craig.com/ They have some very nice leather. You have to call them to order

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The cheapest best leather you can get vegtan wise is usually wickett and craig specials. The price you get those sides for you would pay around $6 or more from anyone else. Any place that is not a tanner is going to mark up the price by a certain amount. Depends on who it is could be upward of a dollar a foot if not more.

My personal choice for vegtan would probably be herman oak but buying in lots like that is to pricey for me but I still use enough that buying at the prices you find decent hides of HO else where does not justify getting it there. I know that even the special grade wickett and craig will be some darn nice leather and its relatively cheap for the quality you get.

Thats just my thoughts on this subject. As far as lining leather and such Ill use springfeild or waterhouse leather. For the harness leather and such Ill use wickett and craig unless I have the cash to go to HO.

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Please check out our website, www.maverickleathercompany.com or contact us at 1 877 845 0080. We have many types of leather in our inventory. What would you be using the leather for?

Thanks. Mary

  On 10/2/2011 at 4:23 AM, Heritage Softail said:

I'm just starting out and new to the forums. Where is a good place to buy leather? or does it depend on what type of leather you want to buy? Where do you guys on the forum get your leather from? and what are the prices?


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