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So far I have only used my Cobra 4 to sew holsters and double layer gun belts, but I want to make some other things like a wallet, checkbook holder, notebook cover, etc that will be out of thinner leather. I use 277 size thread but figure that I will need to go smaller, maybe down to 207.

I don't know what adjustments I will need to make to the machine, if any, when I go from holsters, to smaller projects, and then go back to holsters.

I would appreciate any advice from the experts here.

  • Contributing Member

You are going to want a lot smaller thread than #207 for wallets I think. Your machine will go from #69, that is what I would use for the wallet and that is probably a

little large for liners if you use thin material. serious readjustment of tension I am pretty sure.


So far I have only used my Cobra 4 to sew holsters and double layer gun belts, but I want to make some other things like a wallet, checkbook holder, notebook cover, etc that will be out of thinner leather. I use 277 size thread but figure that I will need to go smaller, maybe down to 207.

I don't know what adjustments I will need to make to the machine, if any, when I go from holsters, to smaller projects, and then go back to holsters.

I would appreciate any advice from the experts here.

  • Moderator

So far I have only used my Cobra 4 to sew holsters and double layer gun belts, but I want to make some other things like a wallet, checkbook holder, notebook cover, etc that will be out of thinner leather. I use 277 size thread but figure that I will need to go smaller, maybe down to 207.

I don't know what adjustments I will need to make to the machine, if any, when I go from holsters, to smaller projects, and then go back to holsters.

I would appreciate any advice from the experts here.

I think you are going to want to move down to #92 or 138 thread for those thin projects. Here's what you need to bet and the changes to make.

  1. 2 spools of each color bonded nylon thread you want to use in sizes 92 and 138. Eight ounce spools will do.
  2. A pack of leather point needles (system 794-LL) in sizes 19 and 22, or 20 and 23.
  3. another half dozen or more bobbins.
  4. Tightly wind bobbins with the #92 and #138 thread, in various colors, and label them or hang them on size-labeled hooks.
  5. After inserting a bobbin with #92 or 138 thread, tighten the bobbin spring to maintain some tension on the thread. The setting for #277 will be totally loose with #92, and almost totally loose with #138.
  6. Back off the top tension disk setting
  7. It might be necessary to lighten up the action on the check spring, on the bottom tensioner.
  8. Run some test strips and fine tune the tensions on the bobbin case and the top tensioner.
  9. It might be necessary to feed the top thread straight through the top hole in the machine mounted thread guide post, without wrapping it around and out a second hole. Two wrapped holes may present too much resistance and override the tensioner disks.

I use these tips myself when sewing everything from garments to saddle bags, to belts to rifle slings. Using a #22 needle with #138 thread produces a tighter knot in thin leathers. Using a #23 needle makes it easier to position the knots higher in thick leather, with #138 thread.

Also, for thin leather projects, back off the presser foot pressure adjustment. It may need to go almost all the way out for very soft or thin work.

  • Moderator

When I first got a machine (a 441 clone), I sewed just holsters, western holsters at that and used 346/277 exclusively. Unfortunately, other interests developed and a second person used the machines, but they did wallets and things of a smaller nature. Unless you are doing biker and trucker wallets, the big thread look doesn't go too well. Switching the 441 over to sew 69 thread was a major pain in the rear, and readjusting back and forth was not practical. The 441 is just not made to take #18 needles, and big needles and small thread is just another can of worms. However, as Wiz says 138/92 is doable on the bottom end. There is a downside, and that is thread colors, until you get to about 69 going down, you are going to find slim pickins (not the actor). There is a little better range in Dacron, but not a lot.

What I am saying is to keep your eye out for a medium weight machine in the 46 to 138 thread range. Look for anything like a Consew 206, Nakagima 280L, Pfaff 545, 1245 et al, there are bunches of them as upholstery and canvas shops use them a lot. Make sure what you buy is not all loose and clunky or otherwise beat to hell as there can be a lot of them out there. Once you have one of these, you will ask yourself why you waited so long. Wiz's procedure is good, but you will get tired of switching back and forth. In the mean time, you will have a greater understanding of your machine by having switched back and forth a few times.


So far I have only used my Cobra 4 to sew holsters and double layer gun belts, but I want to make some other things like a wallet, checkbook holder, notebook cover, etc that will be out of thinner leather. I use 277 size thread but figure that I will need to go smaller, maybe down to 207.

I don't know what adjustments I will need to make to the machine, if any, when I go from holsters, to smaller projects, and then go back to holsters.

I would appreciate any advice from the experts here.

  • Members

Thanks, guys. I will probably have to do some hand stitching if I want to make some of these smaller items. Trying to adjust and re-adjust the machine will just aggravate the heck out of me.

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