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First let me say, I dislike the smell of pine-sol or any faux pine scents. Which is a problem because several of the products I've purchased smells just like pinesol.

Gum Trag, Tan Kote, Bag Kote, all smell like pine-sol to me and frankly stinks to high heaven. So I come to my buddies here to ask for help to determine which products have this scent so I can avoid those products.

Could you please list products you know smells like pine other than these?

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Must be all in the nose of the user! I've used all three of the mentioned products for over 40 years and have never had any that smelled like pine to me. I guess it will be trial and error for you unless someone else has that problem!

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Must be all in the nose of the user! I've used all three of the mentioned products for over 40 years and have never had any that smelled like pine to me. I guess it will be trial and error for you unless someone else has that problem!

:D Maybe your smeller is broke? It really smells like PineSol to me. Like someone is cleaning floors and toilets with the stuff. YUCK!!

I can stand ammonia smells, mint, even lemon... and the old fashioned shoe polish smell. But the fake pine smell is nasty.

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Hmmm... anyone else who doesn't have a broken smeller want to help me out here?. I can't afford to buy things and can't use it because of the smell...

would it help if I say "pretty please!" ??

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Just a small (...)

Pinesol...One of the things I'm really going to miss (not living in the US anymore) and I only have a quarter bottle left...:bawling:

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Just a small (...)

Pinesol...One of the things I'm really going to miss (not living in the US anymore) and I only have a quarter bottle left...:bawling:

Do you have a US military base near you? If so ask someone that has access to get you a bottle. ;)


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How are you going to stitch leather & use a proper coad on your thread?

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How are you going to stitch leather & use a proper coad on your thread?

Pardon me? That didn't make a bit of sense to me. Care to rephrase for me?


Sorry Sylvia, I use those products too and never thought they smelled like pine sol.

Maybe use a charcoal cartridge painters mask or a fan when you need to use it!

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Well, they do! ha!

I guess I am alone in this.

Oh well.

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Posted (edited)

Do you have a US military base near you? If so ask someone that has access to get you a bottle. ;)


Thanks a load for the clever tip, Americans wanting things from home goes to bases the way Swedes' looking for IKEA to get the lingonberry jam :evillaugh: ...I think Germany will be the closest and that's just to far out of my way :(

I have to figure out a good way of placing some in my packing the next time coming back.

Edited by Tina
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Thanks a load for the clever tip, Americans wanting things from home goes to bases the way Swedes' looking for IKEA to get the lingonberry jam :evillaugh: ...I think Germany will be the closest and that's just to far out of my way :(

I have to figure out a good way of placing some in my packing the next time coming back.

LOL I'm afraid they would let you take it unless it was in those little shampoo bottles. A friend of mine sent a bottle of expensive wine with his friend who was returning to England... they make her throw it away.

You could have some shipped I suppose...but wow that would be expensive.

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Posted (edited)

First let me say, I dislike the smell of pine-sol or any faux pine scents. Which is a problem because several of the products I've purchased smells just like pinesol.

Gum Trag, Tan Kote, Bag Kote, all smell like pine-sol to me and frankly stinks to high heaven. So I come to my buddies here to ask for help to determine which products have this scent so I can avoid those products.

Could you please list products you know smells like pine other than these?

Well girl, you had me going on this one. When I first read the description of you posting, I thought that you had some sort of an interpersonal relationship with a gentleman of questionable hygiene or, possibly, one that was addicted to the consumption of raw garlic sandwiches; (as in a man that smells nasty). Since that does not appear to be the case, and that it was just that you accidentally dropped a coma from it's proper location while typing, I'll refrain from further comment. Mike

Edited by katsass
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Well girl, you had me going on this one. When I first read the description of you posting, I thought that you had some sort of an interpersonal relationship with a gentleman of questionable hygiene or, possibly, one that was addicted to the consumption of raw garlic sandwiches; (as in a man that smells nasty). Since that does not appear to be the case, and that it was just that you accidentally dropped a coma from it's proper location while typing, I'll refrain from further comment. Mike

Ha! I am afraid my impeccable grammar and punctuation fall by the wayside on forums. What's worse is that the more fatigued I am, the more likely I am to think one thing and type another. Usually, it's words that are completely unrelated to the original thought too!

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Posted (edited)

Ha! I am afraid my impeccable grammar and punctuation fall by the wayside on forums. What's worse is that the more fatigued I am, the more likely I am to think one thing and type another. Usually, it's words that are completely unrelated to the original thought too!

For your benefit, I'm very glad that it was just the lack of a coma --- rather than an odorous 'significant other'. Have a great weekend! Mike

Edited by katsass
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Pardon me? That didn't make a bit of sense to me. Care to rephrase for me?

Coad is a type of handsewing "wax" made with pine pitch/rosin/tar - mostly used in the shoe trade and not in all leatherwork by any means

As for the pine smell - while I have never noticed it as smelling like Pine Sol, Bag Kote and Tan kote are both rosin/pitch based so it may not be just your imagination.

Other than that if you don't want to deal with the odor, I'd recommend one of the synthetic finishes such as Satin Shene or Resolene, etc. maybe even the new Eco Flow stuff???? and don't use Montana Pitchblend, although I love it's piney woods smell...

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Thanks for the explanation! I deal with the smell of pine things but man after about 20 minutes of that smell... I'm ready to quit and move on to something else.

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