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Stitching Around Belt Slots

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Looked for a similar thread but didn't find one...

I see on some websites the maker stitches all the way around the belt slots and some folks don't do that. Any opinions for or against and why? Obviously saving time would be one reason not to.


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and to make a better product would be a reason why you should..

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The stitching around the slots may give it an appearance that it's a better product, but I don't buy that. The two layers of leather there are usually flesh to flesh glued together, they are there to stay, not going anywhere.

Having said that, I will stitch around them if I think it lends to the appearance, and with a machine, it's very easy and quick to do.

But necessary?.......no.

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and to make a better product would be a reason why you should..

That's one opinion... but I've never seen any proof that stitching makes belt slots any sturdier. I'll do it for looks if requested, but it's not neccessary.

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I do some of mine for looks.

The ones I have not stitched have never come apart. One pancake style I did 15 years ago with no stitching around the slots, is still with me and holding strong.

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From the old grump: Sometimes to looks better with stitching -- sometimes it doesn't. It's all in the eye of the maker. Mike

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Stitching around the belt slots WOULD be a good idea if you don't properly bond (glue) the leather before stitching.

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I stitch around the slots if I have the room. If there's no room, it means the stitch line around the gun is close enough to the slot already.

I do it because it's a little added insurance to make sure each edge is as strong as it can be, stitched leather helps prevent stretching, it looks nice, and it's fast and easy.

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