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Well, the grump has had some problems with his ticker since October, but the doc says things are 'lookinup' now, so I finally got back to work and put this simple little sheath together for a custom knife from Anton Bosch. Fully lined, and of course hand stitched. Mike




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Outstanding Mike! How does the lining leather stand up to the blade over time? Is the lining veg tanned also? Really nice work.


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As usual beautiful work Mike. I love when you post things always know I'll learn something just from looking. Glad you're feeling better now. Cheryl

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Man, that made MY ticker skip a beat. How'd you hold the arrow heat on? Wire?

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From the grump: Thanks folks, I appreciate the positive comments.

For Mike Craw: The lining (2/3oz veg tanned) stands up very well. Actually there is very little wear on it except at the haft of the knife where the retention is. Prior to wet molding, I attach a 1/64" spacer on each side of the blade.That gives !/32" of clearance inside, so there is little (to no) drag on the blade itself. I line the things because the rougher flesh side of the leather can pick up small particles that can scratch the mirror-like polish on the blade - and the lining gives a modicum of extra rigidity to help maintain the shape.

To Mike and Jake: For attaching the arrowhead, I cut and relieve the 4/5oz shell of the sheath, so as to allow the arrowhead to sit on the lining and as deep as possible in the shell. Then attach it with clear epoxy. The silver wire is only there for aesthetics.

Even though I put a belt loop on the sheath, I seriously doubt that anyone would carry a blade that costs what this one did, nor want to screw up the polished stabilized giraffe bone handle like on this one. Mostly these things are collector pieces and don't get any usage - even if they are double damned sharp. Mike

Edited by katsass

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