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As the title says,

I have a consew 210 machine just bought it yesterday off ebay.

I tried the machine on some fabric at the sellers and it worked fine on various layers,

I then stripped it off the table and loaded it into back of car,

Got it home and set it up in workshop added oil etc and got it switched on to sew.

Tried it out on some very soft floppy leather and after 8 or ten stitches the top thread snapped,

I have tried several times with re threading the machine and different stuff and every time it snaps the top thread.

I am not sure if I am threading the machine properly and I have only the one needle that came with it,

I am using the thread that works well on my small domestic machine,

I DO NOT know needle size or for that matter thread size.

So basically I could do with proper threading instructions and

Advice on the best needle and thread size for use with leather on this machine,

the jobs I got it for are zips,sewing round tank bibs,belts ,guitar straps etc.

SO If YOU CAN PLEASE HELP!!!!!I am in UK so please use metric/uk thread/needle sizes.

Many thanks JJ


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Guess no one knows anything about this machine then HUH?

Was hoping to get some real proffesional help/advice on here.

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I dont know nothing about the machine!!

But I do know what words you said when your thread broke over and over again....hehehee...

Lets start with finding a user manual in PDF format, shows how to thread, then make sure your thread bobbin is not keeping the thread from coming off easy feeding to your thread bar on the machine....check the thread bar for burrs...now lets make sure your tension disk is in working order for the top thread...make sure thread is in between and tension disks are some what loose....pull thread and check....now feed thread into remaining holes...run thread thrue needle and make sure thread matches size of needle....make sure needle has no burr or nick....check with finger nail...check bobbin hook for burr or nicks, then handwheel your machine till thread engages in leather and see where the sudden brake if any apears...

I used to forget to take of the protective plastic baggy of my thread spool, guess what...top thread breaks...hahaha...

its only a sewing machine, you will fix it....just go step by step!! Ohhh and get new needles too...

Again, have no clue about your machine...



I suspect you pulled the top thread out and didn't get it back in the same way. Don't start pulling everything else apart to fix the problem. If you take a real close look at the side of the needle, you may find some numbers that identify the needle and size. Go back and ask what thread was being used in the machine. As above, get a PDF manual. It will give you more info about the needle and the proper thread path.

There are a number of threads here about needle size and thread sizes. Seems to me cowboy bob has a table of needle and thread sizes.


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thanks for the info passed on,

I have searched the forum always up to thry n find info,I,ve got the PDF manual,instructions and parts,I have done most of what you guys are saying,

I cannot see anything on the needle for markings,there is a plate on machine which says order needles 16 x 257,under that there is "cat.2270" the meaning of either of these is total puzzlement to me.

Having fiddled a bit this morning I have now snapped the origional needle and replaced this with new"industrial machine" needle I have wheeled the mechanism slowly by hand and noticed the needle is to the right of center going through hole in feed dog plate and catching/nipping the thread as it goes through the hole hence snapping it.

when I went for it machine run good one hour car journey and put back together and doesn't wanna work,Its so annoying !!!

sorry for sounding narky earlier guys ,I,m a real noob at this n its just gettin on my nerves.

Jimbob a lot of the parts you mention I dont even Know what they are,will have to study manual .

Will keep fiddling,any other advice would be most welcome,

Thanks for replying.


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If the needle is hitting to the right of center, something is out of alignment, or you have the wrong "needle system." If the needle bar needle channel was cut for a wider shank needle than you have installed, the point will hit to the right of center. Installing the correct width and length needle will cure that.

Assuming you are using the correct needle system, the direction of the cutout above the eye is critically important. Most (but not all) sewing machines must have this scarf cutout facing to the right. You should thread the needle from left to right. The manual should show the correct alignment of the needle.

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thank you,

I am trying to source correct needles now,based on the info supplied in manual and on machine plates.

will post progress/or Agro LOL!!! as it happens,



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Ansar Ahmad

Threads (India) Limited

Lohia Industrial Complex

Kanpur - India

Tel: +91- 512- 304 5449

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Email: exports2@threadsindia.com

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