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How Do I Do That Text

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In the attached picture (random Internet search) how did the artist achieve this text? Any ideas. I have all of the standard alphabet stamp sets available from tandy and the spacing is such that I'm limited on width. Do you think this text is hand carved?


Edited by Fd3615

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I suppose it's handcarved or if it's massproduced they create a stamp for it all.

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Laser would also be an option.

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Almost looks like the white is silk-screened on... ?

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I was thinking the same thing as Cheryl it definitely looks printed on. Perhaps stencils instead. There is no depth to the lettering like there is on the 14.

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yeah, that does look screen printed or something. But, depending on size, it could be done by hand. Well, regardless of size it could be done, but smaller is going to be a lot harder :)

One option would be to have someone make a stamp for you if it is too small to tool by hand. EmbossingDyeCompany makes some inexpensive stamps that would be appropriate in cost for a project like this.

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It's quite probable that these custom shield makers use graphic design software to lay out their scroll work at the top and bottom. This would give them FAR more flexibility with fonts and spacing, as well as consistency across the curves. They then print it on tracing sheets, and carve like you would anything else.

The name at the bottom is usually a standard Tandy-available font. The scroll work looks like a non-standard font, but it is definitely depressed lower than the surface. Whether or not you could do that with a laser engraving, I know not. It looks too crisp and even in depth to be carved lettering, though, so I don't know. The maker, by the way, is Fireline Shields.

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